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Dear waterskiing, By Krista Schipner


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@Wish Water Ski Magazine paid @The_Krista to write that article and @TFIN to edit it. When you simply republish it you are stealing their content. I insist that you respect original ownership of any content published on BallOfSpray.
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  • Baller
That is one great article! I grew up on the lake and so did my wife. We go to public water as well as the private lake so get the best of both worlds and our little girls love the lake life! My 5 year old is skiing and can't wait to get my 3 year old behind the boat too!
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  • Baller
This a really cool and I think speaks to all of us. I love exploring public lakes and rivers throughout the PNW. The one thing that really disappoints me is the regulations around having permanent courses on public water. I ski one here in Oregon, and love showing a newbie the ropes or just having a group in a surf barge watch us turn some buoys. When I was a kid in Michigan, it seemed like half the lakes we went to had a course on it. What can we do to protect these courses on public water?
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  • Baller

We could make the head of the DNR and other bodies an elected office (like your county sheriff) instead of an appointed bureaucrat. They might actually feel compelled to listen to civilians if failing to do so compromised their jobs. If I seem disgruntled, that is from experience.


By the way, nicely written piece by Krista.

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  • Baller

We live on public water and loved to have lake days when my kids were younger. My son would get up early and come ski the course with me and our regular crew then around 9:30 we would go back to the house and pick up my wife and daughter. My kids would trick, wakeboard and ski doubles then after the first tube put in an appearance they would tube. We would come home have some lunch then just go hang out as the lake got real busy. Some of our favorite times as a family.


I grew up on this same lake and there was a much more active ski community in the 70s and early 80s. I think the combination of costs and other activities for kids that roll through the summer has impacted activity. Kids play soccer, basketball, lacrosse, hockey and all kinds of sports through the summer. When I was growing up that kind of organized off season stuff wasn't going on.

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  • Baller

Nice article! I have not seen any issues of Waterski arrive recently, so will have to check on my subscription.


The above experiences were similar to mine. I, and my family and friends, "tried" the course, skied the course some, had trick skis, kneeboards, ultimately a cheap wakeboard, towed friends on doubles, and always beginner loaner stuff on hand so people could try out the sport, etc. That photo could easily have been of some friends of our family. To me personally, slalom was always king, and I always wanted to get better, and someday be more proficient at the course. Working on that even now. And now, our family boat moved from an open bow outboard, to an open bow Malibu, even though it has an old BTS system and not Zero Off. I have access to Zero Off equipped gear when I ski at the comp lakes with the friends that take it seriously. Family boating time can be less neurotic and more fun. So the quest continues, and the fun along the way.


I still have not really let a tube into our new boat though. ;) Hoping this year to get my daughter on a slalom, in addition to her wakeboard, and mostly leave that behind. The tube can stay on the beach at the camp site and get pulled out for guests later in the day after the lake is blown out, if necessary. :) If I get mine in early, I am good to tow some folks later on.








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  • Baller

I live on public water, ski buoys on a little used public swamp...kinda best of both worlds. My best memories are the simple ones; myself, @razorskier1, our brother Joe taking Dad's outboard to the river and skiing til our hands fell apart, then taping them up and skiing some more. Family vaca's with my Dad pulling whoever would take a handle all damn day long...we boys just kept bringing the 5 gallon cans. Coming into the doc was like a NASCAR pit stop in waist deep water...funnel, dump, cap, and back out next skier up!

@sunvalleylaw your first pic all sitting on in/on the outboard is absolutely classic! Unreal vibe. How cool was it to be young kids/teens and have access to horsepower on a big, wide open lake or river? Nothing cooler or more care free.

I love tourney inboards, a shot of a course on glass...but it doesn't stir emotion like that pic of some kids on an outboard living it up.


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  • Baller
Has anyone who's a subscriber to "Water Ski" received this " Legacy Issue" (Spring 2017) yet? It seems like they've been promoting it for a while, but I haven't seen it in the mail yet. I've heard from two reliable sources that they're down to only two issues a year. That's certainly not a positive sign for our sport.
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  • Baller
I got the legacy issue in a bag with a "boating" mag on Friday, along with a letter saying how much I would enjoy the mag full of center consoles and runabouts. Strange combo, copy of a wakeboard/surf mag would have made more sense.
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  • Baller
Hey all, sorry for the late reply. This whole manufacturing a human thing takes up a lot of energy. :) Just wanted to say a quick thank you for the compliments and support of the article. I wasn't expecting it to resonate like it did and I certainly was anticipating more backlash... Your comments make me smile. Hope everyone gets a chance to get on the water this week in whatever capacity makes them happy.
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  • Baller
This is why we leave our private site every year to go to Bull Shoals lake. Taking the kids to the place I learned to ski and spend most summer vacations, allowing them to learn to love skiing the way I did as a kid. Krista hit the nail on the head, great job!
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  • Baller

Such a good article. I've been skiing since I was 5 but not course skiing until 25 (wish I would have sooner) and I still love to teach everyone I can to ski. Even though running the course is my new favorite hobby I never forget to go hot dogging on combos, bare footing, going with friends or trying to find something new to ski on...



I hope everyone else is trying to spread the fun of this fantastic hobby that is more a part of my life that a sport! I will never forget learning to slalom, AWESOME, and the one that taught me.



Thanks Water Skiing!

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  • Baller

Finally got the issue of the magazine and then the time to read most of it last night.


First thought was "Wow, there are some great pics and articles in here."


Second thought was "Wow, there are no advertisers in here. How long will this last?".



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