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Radar sequence mounting question


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  • Baller

I just got the new Vapor carbitex boots with sequence mounting plate. No instructions or pics included


The sequence plate does not line up with the holes on my 17 vapor pro ski. Look closely at the pic - if the front hole of the rear boot is aligned the back hole of the front boot is not. Both side aligned I cannot figure this out.


Can any users post pics so I can see how the spacers (in pic) are used and maybe help answer why the holes are not lining up?













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  • Baller

What has been said. You only need 6 total mounting screws for the plate. 2 front, middle and back.


I used the spacers for years on the front and back and have tried just front or just back but for the last few years have not used spacers at all. Can't say I notice a difference and I've added quite a few buoys to my PB in that time. My 2

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  • Baller

Thanks guys - @davemac usually I never read instructions but this helped a lot -thank you!!!!

@"Mateo Vargas" should there be 4 of those metal spacers or just two? Anyway to post a pic of the set up here?


Also do you guys know if the boot screws can be found at Lowes? I had to rob them from my other boots and due to the break in time I would like to go back and forth till there broke in.



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  • Baller

@cragginshred - I hope this clears it up:


Mount your boots to the plate. You will notice that the front has only one location and some amount of rotation available. Middle screw first, then outer corners. There are markers to indicate straight. The boot is specific left/right, so it doesn't exactly look straight (no rotation) when mounted on the marks. Just try them first if you want a straight boot. I make sure these are snug enough to prevent rotation while in use, but not so tight to damage the inserts in the shell.


The rear boot mounts the same way, but with options to allow for variation in spacing or boot size. Line up your rear boot with the holes that provide the desired reat boot location/spacing for your preference. Middle screw first, then corners. Again, you will see that the plate has a mark to indicate straight (no rotation). Adjust per your preference.


Now mount the whole assembly to the ski.


There are off-set holes in the middle. (See your first post's picture.) Based upon the desired front boot location, pick one pair of middle holes (either back of front boot or front of rear boot). This is the anchor point of the whole plate. If you need to move the front boot location back just a little, then do so but switch to the other pair of middle holes. This makes for 1/2 hole movement. So the hardware here is just bolt (with or without the rubber washer, through plate hole into insert.


Now, the front of the plate (in front of the front boot) - here the idea is to anchor the plate without clamping it down, allowing it to move/slide forward or back a little due to ski flex. In order to achieve this, the spacers allow the bolt to clamp down fully into the insert while leaving a little space for the plate to float. So the hardware here is bolt through plate slot, through spacer narrow part up to plate/wide part down to ski, through plastic washer, into insert.


Finally, the mounting behind the rear boot uses a special u-shaped wide washer/plate which spans both left and right holes. Depending upon your ski's insert pattern for the rear boot, you may have to use the two holes on the widest tips of this special plate washer, or you may have to use two holes closer together behind the boot. See which lines up best on your ski. Now, follow the same general hardware pattern as the front - bolt through special wide washer/plate, then sequence plate slots, spacer narrow part up to plate/wide part down to ski , plastic washer, into insert. I have found that the rear sequence slots are a bit wider and may not hold the spacer as cleanly as the front slots. No biggie. just line it all up.



Oh, and notice the flat bolts from middle and front and the counter-sunk bolts for the rear...


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  • Baller

Here is a great time saving tip (if not already mentioned)....Mount the front boot first. Before mounting the rear boot, measure back from the rear of the front boot to a fixed distance (12"), and mark a pencil line on the sequence plate at that distance.

This will make binding measurements much easier....since the rear boot (after mounting) impedes your ability to get a good measurement. Now you can simply measure from the tail of the ski to the pencil line (which should be behind the rear boot), and add 12", to get your front boot measurement.

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  • Baller
@davemac - yes! In fact, I measured from the heal of the front boot all the way to the very back edge of the plate. I wrote that value on the plate itself. Now, I can measure from plate to rear of ski and add the amount written down. However, I like your idea of marking a perfect 12" back from the front boot. Easier to do the math from that line to the tail of the ski.
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