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The Toronto Argonauts are the 105th Grey Cup Champions!


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  • Baller

@Horton the Grey Cup is the championship game of the Canadian Football League. It was first awarded in 1909 making it the the oldest trophy awarded in professional sport! You once said it's not off topic if it's funny....nothing funnier than the CFL ;-)


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Great game.

But the best was the half time show. Snow storm, featuring Shania Twain entering the stage being pulled on a sled by a team of Huskies, and then being escorted on stage by a Mountie. I wish I was kidding.

You couldn't parody Canada any better!


PS I'm Canadian so I can make fun of Canadians right?

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  • Baller
So disappointed, 2 years in a row the Stamps just gave it away. They could have won 3 Grey Cups in the last 4 years, cementing themselves as a dynasty. Instead they completely implode late and allow the Argos back in. Choke artists.
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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan While there is moderate support for the Argos, they fall way behind the Leafs. The love for the Leafs is fierce in this city. The Blue Jays are always near the top of the American League in attendance and have a huge following at road games. Raptors third.....even the soccer team (The TFC) draws better than the Argos.


Still, I loves me some Argo football!

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