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2018 BOS Predictions


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  • Baller_

Gotta keep a tradition going!


1. @lpskier will get bored with the retired life and move to Canada to start a dog sitting service.

2. @jodyseal will lead the revolution to separate the real skiers from USATOADWATERSPORTS. Tournaments will be run with 3 officials and actually be fun again.

3. @eleski will finally admit “yeah, I’m just a crazy ole coot that never had a real job…what’s wrong with that?”

4. @Thanbogan will get a lobotomy and run for public office. His campaign theme will be “We gotta spread the GUT around!”

5. @MS will roll up to the BOS Cash Prize tournament in his wheelchair after getting the low bidder to fix his ACL. He will have a cooler full of Sweatwater IPA on his lap and hollering “if I just had my Monza…er..ah… my Goode….or…..ah… my Vapor, I’d run 39 and kick all your asses”.

6. @Horton will get a contract with Home & Garden network for a new series called “The Unboxing”. The series is suddenly cancelled after the 3rd episode when some rather unusual…..uh…toys….are unboxed and MrsHorton is seen briefly on camera with several sharp knives.

7. The newly founded “Waterski Addict” magazine will announce that the best place for a water skier to live is:………”Central Florida!”. Except no skier who has a real job can afford that and they all move to Texas.

8. @Sethski will be overheard commenting “I’m getting too old for this $H#t - I need a sailboat, a big Margarita, and some real estate.”

9. @rico will increase his PB to 5 ½”


If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
#10 - @eleeski will sell all his proprietary information, ski designs and know-how to @AdamCord & @adamhcaldwell for $1 to create a new top tier brand called the “Deny_Me”. @MS and @rico are the only customers and they spend the season learning that 5-1/2 is the maximum buoy count possible on the ski. As an early 2019 BOS prediction, at the end of the season they discover the design is ironically a pretty good trick ski during a slippery slalom session. Fortunately @Horton captrues it all on video
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  • Administrators
The worst part of this discussion is the fact that @Rico is French so his idea of a speedo might be substantially smaller than Olympic competition spec
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