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New CG Fin from Denali


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  • Baller
@A_B I don't think the fin eliminates 'smear'. From what I know, the holes are designed in such a way to allow more slide on your on-side while maintaining the hold you need for your offside (basically the same thing as offset). The slot helps with the fin area variation between settings, but may also play a role in keeping the tail in the water and letting water flow through during the finish of the turn.
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  • Baller

One of my ski partners asked me, when the rope got shorter you use to overturn your onside a lot, grab too much angle, and be in the Lake. It's now like you never overturn and in fact you never fall, what happened ? ....Answer..The CG Fin. Once I got it tuned on my NRG, it is a different ski. The ski now just turns whether I am fast, late, or slow into the ball. It just takes off coming off the apex...In fact the ski is so much better than me that I have no excuses.... It's a fact, that I now need to react quicker to what the ski is doing. I'm not Nate, but the ski wants me to ski like Him.

So, be careful what you Pray for, you just might get it !!!



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  • Baller

My only regret is this CG fin did not arrive 20+ yrs ago when I was in better shape to take full advantage of it. I was eying my old 90"s VTX today wondering just what it would ski like with the fin. Kinda wishing I still had my Kidder ProLink to try it on too

So what is the oldest vintage ski that someone has tried the fin on? Results?

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  • Baller

I have mine on a 67 " 17 Seante Lith. 1st set today at 6.836 , 2.52 , .750

felt fast across the wake however felt maybe a little snapy on turns .... couple times got on back of the ski because was not ready for it ???? any others with this ski or ideas ? I wast thinking of going even deeper ? should I go longer too ? Thanks Guys

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@34mph I'm also on the same 67 lith senate ('18). I don't have my exact numbers in front of me but was aiming for as close to stock as I could get (aside from dft adjustment for the cg fin). Which puts it somewhere around 6.975/2.460/.710 (stock is .74 and they said try whatever you were using -0.03).


Offside feels pretty good, through the wakes feels great, on side felt maybe a bit too slippy. I was recommended to try more depth first.

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  • Baller
I’m # 218 and waiting since July 2nd. Understand the Adams situation and sure they moving along fast as product allows. I just figure I’ll get it when I get it, but the family sure is getting a good laugh at me making the dejected walk back from the mail box. I must have wrong email address as I have not received a reply from several messages that I have sent.
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Damn..I didn't get one this week so I must be a BOS complainer. :# The upside is it gave me some more time to dial in my Omni. Just added the wing on this weekend and had some incredibly early passes. Hopefully will try to ski a new PB in the next week or two before the skiing really slows down.
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  • Baller
Mine still shows order awaiting processing, and I'm quite a bit before 284. I guess having bought a c-65 last summer at full price doesn't help...Trying to be patient and understanding, but lack of feedback after hearing they'd ship 2 weeks ago is wearing thin, TBH.
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  • Baller
Thanks @AdamCord. Not many weeks of skiing left up here in MI, so I'm just anxious to try the fin before I have to winterize the boat! Will you be at the Big Dawg finals at Lake Jepawhit this weekend? I was planning on stopping by for a bit on Saturday to check it out...
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Ooh boy. It's gonna be fun to see the feedback explosion on this thing.


As much as I'm looking forward to hearing people fall in love with it, the engineer in me is probably even more interested in learning from the folks it doesn't work that great for.


I'm actually still using a manually-hacked prototype, so I'm also curious to use the final production version when I get it in a few weeks.

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  • Baller
I track all packages sent to my address through FedEx, UPS, and USPS. It is easy to set-up on their websites. I am automatically notified as a package moves through their system. In the case of USPS, it will tell me when Pre-Shipment info is sent to them, when the package actually arrived at their facility, etc. Its interesting when "someone" tells me they shipped a package, and then I don't see pre-shipment information for another two days, and then the package doesn't actually arrive at a USPS center for another two days.
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  • Baller
I haven’t tried mine yet but based on feedback from ski partners from this am I have already ordered another one for my son.. too bad he doesn’t weigh enough to trip the safety switch on the John Deere- I sure like the idea of making him mow the lawn first.
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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan OK, here it comes...


Got my CG fin yesterday and mounted it up on my ARC. I set the CG same as my old fin less .030 dft. Settings are now 2.515, 6.913, .718 (std wing @ 7). Took it out early this morning and immediately noticed a MUCH better onside turn. Fast, sharp, but still in control. Very early coming into the offside. Previously, the ARC had better offside turns than onside for me.


The one issue I'm going to have to address (either me or the ski) is that now the offside turn seems to be stopping and throwing me out the front. Also noticed slack line coming into that side. Thinking of either taking out some tip or moving forward a bit. Would welcome thoughts from those that have had success with the CG already.

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  • Baller_

@"bf`" that’s a lot of length with a deep fin. First move would be to shorten....a lot. Try 6.830 for a few sets then evaluate maybe going a tad shallower 2.490-2.500ish


I suspect your offside issue is too much length, but the alternate option would be to keep current length and go shallower to 2.450ish.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Supporting Member
Oh yeah another thing to get accustomed to with the CG: Moving 0.05" or more is totally fine, and 0.01" should be considered a very fine adjustment. There is little-to-no need to consider thousandths. (It's probably not a coincidence that every one of Bruce's numbers ended in a 0 -- I've literally stopped sharing 1/1000ths when it comes to this fin.)
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  • Baller

I repeatedly found when tuning this fin to the Vapor, EVO, and NRG, over 3 months of testing, that it worked best by first setting each ski to the best that it could be with the stock fin and wing, then using those same EXACT settings for the CG Fin. The reason being, that the stock fin and wing were more sensitive to adjustments than the CG Fin. Worked well every time by doing that.

Only difference that stood out was that I could feel excess drag with the CG Fin when the wing was set over 5 degrees. Also using a small wing vs. a large one was a plus.



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