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New CG Fin from Denali


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The one thing the fin is known for is being ski-able in darned near any position. I tried just about every set of numbers posted which meant big changes on a regular basis. So I was pretty happy with the ski/fin overall but me being me I started making more traditional small moves here and there. Maybe its because I have been riding it for some time now and developing a feel the fin but bit by bit I could feel something great coming.

BAM - Nailed it today.The fin does respond to micro tweaks when you are really close so don't be afraid to bump settings 0.005 either way because it does seem to have another side to it when you are closing in on the sweet spot.


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While waiting for my fin I ported my regular fin with asymmetrical holes and added 3 holes at the top of the fin and filed them out for a pressure relief port. Put the fin in at short and deep settings like normal and it improved the turns quite a bit. I didn’t feel like it was losing edge or angle either.


The CG fin was a level better though, out of the box. We have had lousy weather and now I caught a freaking head cold that has been going around the office. So the window for testing is closing fast here in NW Ohio.

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  • Baller

@jimbrake - I am LFF and additionally use the setscrew/washer on the 2018 C 65 Denali to run offset between on/off side fin settings and washers on the 2015 Vapor. I find that the offsets help make both turns feel symmetrical and my needed input feels more natural for both sides too. DFT measured with head of caliper and both skis 67 inch, Dbl Strada/Vapor boots - 34 mph

C 65

2.468(on side) 2.498 6.819(on side) 6.789 0.805 4.5 30.750 17.500


2.457(on side) 2.469 6.873(on side) 6.852 0.780 5.0 30.500 17.500


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  • Baller

Help @AdamCord I had the Cg fin on my XTR and really liked what was happening. Plenty of angle off the ball and was able to stay connected with lots of space going into the next buoy. really like the CG fin over the stock fin.

Unfortunately I had a fall and somehow damaged the ski so I am back on my old XT. RFF and set the XT up 6.762, 2.500, .683 and wing at 6deg. It feels like the tip is grabbing on both sides. Also coming out of two ball at 32off, even though it feels like the tip suddenly grabs, I have no angle and ski right to 3 and makes it impossible to round 4. thoughts?

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  • Baller

2016 68" Radar Vapor - 6.960, 2.460, .775, 9 Degree std wing (Stock settings with DFT + .02")


Started at stock settings with DFT -.03". Skied narrow with too much drag.


Next was stock settings. Width was back, Drag was gone, Off-side was great, On-side too angular (snap turns into slack line).


Then tried stock settings with DTF + .02". Holy PB maker! Fast, early, wide, turns on a dime (both sides), and totally connected to the water. I've skied over my previous practice PB 7 of the last 10 sets. The CG fin is for real.


I tried a few other adjustments of length and wing angle, but ultimately finding the right DFT with my settings from my previous fin was all that was needed to free up the ski, reduce drag, and dial in the turns.



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@Taperflex To get the CG to fit properly in my D3 fin block, I had to file the little point in the front of the fin a bit. Didn't have to take off much, and the part I did file will always be up inside the block so no downside.
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  • Baller
Thanks @AdamCord! Got the fin forward to .701 and it really helped. Good angle of the ball and an improvement over the stock fin. I am getting close to the factory setting on DFT, what should I expect if I move it to .705? I appreciate you taking the time to help.
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  • Baller
@bhs give it a try and see. The ski will turn more automatically and be faster. The potential down side is that if you go too far, the tip will want to come up and you'll have a hard time keeping the line tight at the finish of the turn. You want to try and find that sweet spot but it's hard to know if you've found it until you've gone too far. (this applies for any fin, not just the CG)
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The center to center of the Schnitzer mini wing requires you to drill as well. It will not hurt a thing. It would be expensive to machine a one off mini wing with the standard wings bolt hole center to center.

It would also not perform exactly the same due to the extra mounting length.


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  • Baller

@"Steven Haines" Mount it to the slot with one screw, drop your wing angle gauge and whatever parallel spacers you need. swivel it to the right place and mark your hole for the "fixed" side of the wing. Drill that one hole and you are good to go.


I recommend avoiding slotting unless you have a mill.


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  • Baller
@AdamCord I am going forward! The only comment from my ski partner was, that tip stays down on both sides. The tip stays down with no slack. I am RFF and used to get tip rise on 1,3,5 but the CG fin has really improved this ski. Going to try factory at .705, the XT could use more speed! Again, thank you for the great product and your willingness to answer all my questions.
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  • Baller
Adam???.......Been skiing with this fin for about a week now and running it on an XTR. So far I really like what Im feeling. I have not seen much discussion on the thickness and the quality grade of material the fin is made with. I did notice its thinner than most fins. Mine measured .089 in thickness and I noticed it has some flex side to side when you push on it. .......If you see this post can you comment on the thickness and materials regarding any concern of the fin weakening over time from the side to side flexion and any concern of possible change in the performance of it? i ask this because about 15 yrs ago I recall people having issues with some HO fins over time. I myself had two of them weaken and break (fold over while skiing) in short period of time. Thanks!!
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  • Baller
Just curious for those with S-wing. I measured my S-wing with a caliper and from bottom of wing surface to top of wing flip up with jaws I measure .0238 inches or just over 1/4 inch in height. What does anyone else have?? Just trying to rationalize differences in wing angles I see. Thx!
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@mbabiash ... Yes, I tried a Ventral, since it had always worked great on other skis, I thought it would work great on the CG Fin. It did not. Because the wing sits so low on the CG Fin it had a different effect. It made the ski hunt Left to Right, and also twitchy in the course. A very unstable feeling. A regular Mini Wing of the same size worked great at 5 degrees. However, once I got to shorter lines lengths than 28 and 32, where it worked great. I had a hard time slowing the ski down so I switched to a Medium sized wing and that worked better.


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Thanks @adamhcaldwell, I’ll give that a go. I’m a little hesitant though as my turns feel pretty symmetrical and the turn completion is better than ever! As long as I don’t do anything stupid, the handle lands in my lap on both sides at hook up.

This is the best purchase I’ve made in years. Next season I wanna attach it to a C-65 or your new 34 mph ski.

I’ll try your recommendations this weekend

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Got my fin today after a long delay because my first one was stolen out of my mailbox. Couldn't be happier!! Took my old fin off my 65" Syndicate Omni and installed the CG fin strictly by sight, no measurements what-so-ever. I didn't put on a wing as most of my skiing has been wing free. I've been working on going from 32 MPH to 34 mph/15 off this year and progress has been slow but steady. The CG fin immediately improved my skiing. I went from completing maybe 1/6 passes to making 3/4 passes and they didn't feel out of control. In fact, one of the passes I was so early that I let off the gas and blew the pass. For me the difference was that the turns seemed slower (more tip engagement on the preturn/turn?) where before the turns seemed fast on the point of being out of control. Also, very symmetrical on both sides.

It's been a bit of a crazy year as I decided I needed a safer binding system and then decided to buy a new ski 6 weeks later. All of that change took some time. Although I love my new ski and bindings, there were a lot of sets just dialing in those. The fin was an instant success and I'm so glad because I have a few weeks left in my season and plan to try and set a new PB before it's all over. I've bought a lot of equipment over the years (golf, tennis, snow skiing, waterskiing) but this is the first time I ever felt like I just bought myself a better game. Any chance you can start building drivers for golf? :)

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  • Baller

@adamhcaldwell, @adamcord, I was wondering what size wing do you use to make the S-Wings ?

I think made a decent one from a big wing I had. I never realized that the normal fin you used before the S-Wing were medium size ones, at least smaller than a Goode or D3 and HO.

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