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The D3 EVO


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3 30 BOS press release image

EVO LOGOImagine a ski that intuitively anticipates your every move, rips turns in the blink of an eye and quite simply breeds confidence. EVO is that ski. The all-new EVO is the next evolution of the ARC. Featuring quicker, more complete turns on both sides of the course the EVO is smooth and predictable with no surprises. But don’t be fooled… the EVO has the heart of a warrior. The EVO creates speed instantly out of the turn and builds progressive angle into the wake. The EVO’s heritage is taken from the World Record Holding ARC. If you liked the ARC you absolutely must experience the EVO.


E V O – Tour Red - 64” 65” 66” 67” 68”
E V O - Laser Blue - 64” 65” 66” 67” 68”
Junior 62” EVO available after 5/15- $1,099.99

BOS EVO 3 30

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  • Baller

Wow. Now I am confused. The ARC seems to have gone away. At my level, I am not thinking I need to change an only season old ski that I seem to ski well on. But interesting nonetheless.


Also, I googled for some info and saw another thread, that seems to have gone away. Anyone know where that is?

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  • Baller

We were lucky enough to have Paul Crawford in the shop yesterday to talk about the new ski...help us get an overview of it...why they replaced the ARC. Obviously there will be alot more detailed info from them to come...but here was what I got from our meeting and the key highlights / reasons for the ski:


The general key thing with the EVO they wanted to achieve with to create a smoother ski, with better onside turning capabilities ("intuitive turn") that has "less load" behind the boat. To achieve this, the EVO has a slightly deeper concave bottom than the ARC that flattens as you get closer to the tail. Blend this with a bit more tip and tail rocker and a slightly narrower tail...and they feel you have a ski that will ski more predictably & will have better edge hold across the wake while still having the ablity to "slide-push" the tail around at the finish of the turn to create angle when you need it. The deeper concave under your feet is designed to trap more water and yield a better edge hold over the front foot / behind the boat.....creating more width with less effort. The shallower concave through the back of the ski gives the ski the "slide" that Nate has asked for to help generate angle out of the turn.


We have demo's on order...and hope to have skis here by the 2nd week of April if you are in the Orlando Area. They are making 66" & 67" skis now....and this will be followed by 65" and 68" skis...and lastly the kids ski. Hope that is a start for you all. We are taking orders on skis....hope to have some in stock VERY soon! Bill @ Performance.

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  • Baller
I rode one few weeks a go. Good acceleration and very smooth turns but being a 22 off skier early in the session i have run 28 off a few times I could not get the ski to cast out. As soon as I started to release the out side hand to cast out it would just turn and i would be inside the buoy. I checked the fin it was set to factory. I think the ski or i should say I know it was made for the very best skiers to run very short line, as we can see Nate has been ski on it this year. I ski on a D3 Helix 2 I have been trying different skis and i am going to stick with it at least another year its the ski that works for me.
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  • Baller
Was gonna call Performance today to see about demoing this ski. But tonight I finally found the setting for my “new to me” T3 that might work. I REALLY like the few D3’s that I’ve skied but as a 32mph skier at 185 lbs their 68” feels too small for me.
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