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The Water Ski Ambassador Project / Where2WaterSki.com (Draft Text)


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This project had a false start last year – this is a reboot.

Phase 1 of the project is identifying Ambassadors, educating them and getting their info on Where2WaterSki.com.



What is the purpose?

  • The purpose is to connect people who are curious about skiing but not involved to skiers who are involved and passionate about the sport.

Who can be an Ambassador?

  • Anyone with passion for water skiing and access to a ski site and boat.


What is the job of an Ambassador?

  • Ambassadors are asked to simply introduce new skiers to the sport. When possible they will take new skiers out to a ski site and show them what is available. At the minimum it is a very light commitment.


How to get involved

  • Go to http://where2waterski.com/

  • Click “Add Listing” from the top menu

  • Create an account or log in if you already have an account

  • You will be automatically directed to the Add Listing page – fill out this form. In the section titled “Place description” write your invitation for new skiers to contact you. Fill out the rest of the form.

  • FYI your address will NOT be public and if you need to be additionally anonymous that will be handled in a later step.

  • Add a photo!


When I create a listing should I choose to be listed as an Ambassador and a Club?

  • Most listings should be “Ambassador”. It is the Ambassador’s role to tell the new skiers about the local clubs, shops and opportunities.

  • If you are the contact person for a club that is accepting new members then you should choose “Club” when you create your listing.


Note - This is just Phase 1. I am rolling this out in phases so all the moving parts will fit when we are ready for the real public launch.

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  • Baller

My only ... disappointment(?) ... is that to be an ambassador you need a passion for skiing and access to a site. While I certainly have access to a site, it’s not really the kind of access where I feel comfortable inviting guests unless I had it “pre-approved”. I get the idea and think it’s awesome. I’m happy to spend an entire day with someone at a tournament explaining everything and encouraging them.


I realize that’s perhaps a different kind of ambassador. I also get that what you’re looking for is critical to get others involved. How do we layer in guys like me who are willing but can’t just offer up a “come on over for a pull?”

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@klindy I am not sure how to solve your issue. I prefer to keep any project more narrow. If and when this effort is a success there are any number of splinter ideas.
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FYI - I am slowly increasing the number of skiers who can see this and other Ambassador threads. The idea is to increase the testing without opening the flood gates before I am sure we are ready.
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I am getting a few more listings.... PLEASE DO NOT post a listing without at least one photo and some text for the "Place Description" - This is where you write your invitation to be contacted.
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@bigskieridaho that's not surprising. Cell phone pictures are pretty big files. I was kind of hoping that this is one of these efforts where people would take a moment at their desktop computer and compose some text and an image carefully.
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@JeffSurdej are you talking about the icons? I really need better ones but now there are different ones for clubs, schools and ambassadors.


I also made it so if accounts are created without a picture, a generic ski site pic is added.

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  • Baller

@Horton maybe I'm over thinking it, but was just commenting that when you click on ambassador it wierd to me to see pictures of lakes not people, i know an ambassador might be from a lake or use a lake but I just think of ambassador as a face of someone who will be helping these newbies




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@JeffSurdej hmmmm yep that is a fair point. Again it's stuff like this that has to get worked out before the broader Ski World sees the site
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@JeffSurdej I am not sure it matters. Clubs and Ambassadors are both just "points of contact". If you think about the whole project from a 40k foot perspective we are just providing points of contact to the non-skiing world.


As far as the list of all club in the USAWS database - yea I am not in a hurry to integrate that list. We need contacts that are interested and engaged.


AND we have to get the listings right. So far my instructions have fallen short but that is why we are in private beta and we are learning.


I need an intern....

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@JeffSurdej went with that idea and dropped a personal photo given ambassador status for our MN site. It is a ski photo from the site...happens to be me looking for width to remain connected at short-line. We have other pics from the site itself. I've got some of my ski buddy, some showing just how close our buoys are to shore. @horton how many photos can we add?


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I am thrilled to see this gaining some traction. In my several cross country moves I have relied upon the USAWS club listing and contacts when I have moved and have not had good luck making contacts, I think this should be a huge step in the right direction.


I have a few thoughts regarding listings, mostly regarding making people feel comfortable.


For those of us who are entrenched in the ski scene we want to see the nice dock, smooth water, jump ramp (at least I do), and someone ripping -39. However, I wonder if some of the people who we are trying to recruit might be slightly intimidated by some of those types of photos. I think those are great, but adding some kid or novice photos and/or photos of people laughing on the dock or sitting around a bonfire might help make them feel comfortable.


I think Far West at Nacimiento has done a fantastic job with their photo page (http://fwwsc.com/pictures--videos.html)


I also noticed some jargon in a couple of the listings (e.g. TSC1 and PP). We know what those mean but your average recreational skier may not, for me I would likely write something along the lines of "Come ski behind a '98 Ski Nautique equiped with GPS speed control (Star Gazer)".


I will be talking with our lake owners about getting on the list, I'm in a similar situation as @klindy. I am planning on scoping out the public water situation and maybe offering pulls there then move to the private site.

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@bcm I agree. One of the think I am learning as we go is that we need some guidelines around the photos and text.


One step at a time.... slowly

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This is my new text. It is not super elegant but I think it represents the minimum of what a listing should contain.


My name is John Horton. I live on a private ski lake outside of Bakersfield California.  If you are interested in learning more about water ski opportunities in California click the “Send Enquiry” link on the left side of the page and send me a message.

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@jayski someone who has the time to help push this thing forward. I am not 100% sure what it entails but I am not putting as much time on this effort as I should....


I guess a collaborator would need to share my vision and have at least moderate tech skills. It is really more about the messaging and marketing.

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@Horton, as far as imaging/marketing I think that will vary depending on who the target is. You wouldn't use the same channels and imagery when aiming at the collegiate skier who wants to keep skiing post grad as you would for the middle aged person looking to get back on a ski after 20 years. Just something to think about down the line as far as how to utilize the tool you are trying to build once it's built.


I won't know for a few more months still but I might be able to throw my name in as an ambassador later in the year when my schedule frees up.

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