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Using Denali fin what wing are you using


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  • Baller
I tried standard wing at 7 and felt like I was dragging an anchor, next set no wing. Fixed the anchor problem but ski was somewhat unstable. Went to mini wing at 7, not quite there yet. Should I go 5 degrees or make the fin smaller next? ( note: I am only a 28 off guy)
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  • Supporting Member

Yesterday I finally got around to actually trying a normal wing with my (prototype versions of ) c-65 and CG Fin. I was really surprised that it was completely different from the S-wing. After almost a year on the S-wing, the regular wing felt terrible. So much glide everywhere and flying right past the buoys. I actually had to stand rather differently to even run a pass.


That's not to say a regular wing couldn't work with the ski. In fact, I know for a fact that the ski was nearly done before the Denali team even came up with the idea of the S-wing, and they were absolutely loving it with the regular wing.


But I think perhaps the take-home is that a regular wing and an S-wing require substantially different setups (perhaps both bindings placement and fin setting). And that seems to further imply that if somebody is interested in taking advantage of the S-wing (which I definitely suggest!) you may need to tune your setup to let it do what it's designed to do. When it's set up right, it doesn't cost any cross-course speed, but then shuts right down into a controlled turn with tight lines everywhere.


But based on what I experienced last night, I bet if you I just slapped an S-wing onto a ski fully turned for a regular wing, that the ski would shut down before it even got started?


I suspect all of this also applies to a non-Denali ski.

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