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Binding release types


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  • Baller

After 2 fractures in front foot in a twisting fall and forward hyperflex no release on front boot I am looking at multi directional release. Any thing about FM Quattro system plate that releases both boots. Also MOB,OB4


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  • Baller
I was in the same boat after a bad fall caused a fractured ankle. After researching like only an engineer has the drive to stomach, I ended up with the MOB. So far I have really liked the system and Mike has been great to talk with. I did add a layer of EVA foam to the bottom of the plate to protect the ski, costs about a dollar from the local hobby store. The MOB has a much better chance of protecting me from the weird twisting fall that caused my last fracture.
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  • Baller
@Iski61 Twisting falls are released by the MOB system design. The MOB system also accommodates a wide assortment of boot designs, this makes it easier to find a comfortable boot for your needs. Email or call me and we can figure out what might work best for you. FYI, I am riding a D3 EVO, if you are stuffing the front of the ski, I might be able to help you with that also.

Mike's Overall Binding

USA Water Ski  Senior Judge   Senior Driver   Senior Tech Controller


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  • Baller

I’m on the MOB double plate also, it has never released unexpectedly and gives me the peace of mind to lace up my bindings tight like I prefer.


The biggest inconvenience I have found is that once I finish and loosen the laces up, when I try to yank the ski off in the water, my front binding releases. While inconvenient, it is a perfect illustration that it will indeed release when tugged in the wrong direction. Mike is great to deal with and will answer any questions you have.

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  • Gold Member

For a hard shell that can release in a twist fall, MOB is pretty much the only option. (OB4 is an older version of the same technology -- long story there.)


I was doing some pretty interesting R&D on a different hard shell system that could release in a twist, but my priorities dramatically shifted when I was dumb enough to say "yes" to becoming a high school track coach. Maybe someday I'll get back to it.

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  • Baller

@floridagm don't take your boots off in the water!!!!! - you will eventually lose a binding. Instead reach down and toggle the lever to release yourself, then remove your boots in the boat.


I used FM quattro's for over 10 years and now have an OB4 plate with MOB G10 sole plate and O'Brien Legion front boot. Pretty content with the system.


Both systems have their own quirks.


I will say Quattros are some of the easiest boots to use when it comes to crashing and getting your ski back on - crash swim to ski boat pulls up, ski on platform climb up, stick toe of front boot into receiver stick toe of rear boot against front boot snap heel down - jump in. Maybe 30 seconds on the platform including climbing on.


If I were still wanting to ride double hardshells I'd probably still use the Quattro's (no offense to MOB) I think the MOB single is the safest front hardshell binding system on the market period. (I also have had FM Revo and a Reflex)


I believe the engineering side of Mike's program is that individually both shells should release prior to the peak force being achieved to injure either ankle. As opposed to the FM system which basically forces both to release if either releases.

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  • Baller
Can't speak to a double boot setup, but I highly recommend the MOB. I've had a handful of releases in all directions, and numerous falls that didn't need to release and didn't. Total confidence in the system, and liking being strapped in tight to my Vapor boot.
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  • Baller
Thanks any information on the FM Dual Logic/ Split Soles - Each boot is one a sole plate with clever interlocking center joint. When one boot releases, the other automatically follows.
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  • Baller

@Iski61 -

The FM Quattro Dual Logic/Split Soles - both front and rear shell have a plastic sole plate bolted to them.

The system has a front "power block" which holds the toe of the front boot, and a rear spring pin release that sits into an aluminum cup on the heel of the rear boot.

When installed on the ski the front sole plate inserts into the power block, the rear boot's sole plate inserts into the back of the front ski plate and the heel clicks down locking by the rear spring pin.

In the center the heel of the front plate is held down by a small patch of velcro, the toe of the rear plate is held down in the same way. I theory the small patch of velcro is only designed to give enough "attachment" such that the ski stays on when you jump off the platform or are getting situated in the water.

Because the only release unit is in the far back the two plates are basically pushed together in the middle, if either boot is dislodged the other one is no longer connected.


It might be academic there was a post a few weeks back that FM had temporarily stopped shipping new systems because their fabricator had an injury so I'm not sure if you could buy a new unit if you wanted to.



The FM system either A - wouldn't have released you at all or B- would have fully released you.


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  • Baller

@Iski61 the FM system uses a Voile snow ski release that is no longer in production. I used double hardshell boots on my system for over 20 years and never had only one foot release. Once the pressure needed to release is exceeded they both come off. I have a device in preproduction that I have tested to force release of both boots, but I have never seen the need to produce it.


I switched to a rear half boot a couple of years ago and I really like that setup.


Also I do not take my boots off in the water. I pull the release lever and remove the boot from the ski. Then take my boot off in the boat or on the dock.

Mike's Overall Binding

USA Water Ski  Senior Judge   Senior Driver   Senior Tech Controller


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  • Baller

@coach3 The cuff comes off AS a mechanical release. Basically instead of the cuff being bolted to the lower shell there is a Slot cut into the cuff, on the lower shell the cuff bolt is replaced with a thumb screw that clamps down on a stack made up of a neoprene washer for friction, a plastic tab that keeps the assembly in place, and a nylon washer to spread the load of the cuff bolt.


In a crash the liner comes out of the lower shell with the cuff on your foot.


I've tried someone's but not really a fan, those screws can come out and go missing, the cuff and liner can come off your foot and the cuff can sink. And then it has no better form of twist release than any other hardshell.


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  • Baller
I switched to the MOBS system last season after a nasty ACL rebuild. I have to say it has released every time I wanted it to and have never pre released. I had an epic nose of the ski dip, 2 fully extended front flips, and I came out immediately. I have also really loaded that thing up, occasionally I am little late coming out of 4 ball ( like every time), and it has been solid. Could not recommend it more. @mmosley899 is easy to work with and wants it to work for you. Versus the reflex I personally believe you get way more protection for twisting falls. Good luck on your search.
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