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How to get better without skiing a course


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  • Baller

Hi everyone,


I am a beginning skier who can run 3.5 at 15 off and 28mph and would like to improve before going back to college. I do not have access to a course but routinely go out to the lakes and ski with family and friends all morning on the weekends. I was wondering what drills or other things I could do to improve my slalom course skills while just free skiing on glassy lake. Thanks for all suggestions!



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  • Baller
Search for Seth Stisher or Gordon Rathbun on youtube. There are some drills. But mainly learn proper stack and just imagine skiing in a course. I'd suggest on pull out try to simulate gates by getting a consistent repeatable rhythm, like start at the same place each time out side the wake, Pull out for count of like 3 or 4 (what's comfortable for you). Get a comfortable glide count, then go and start your turn in just like you would for a gate. Then try and do 6 to 8 turns and start over.
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  • Baller
Video your self, work on being in a stacked position remember you can only get the rope to your vest if your in a stacked position and creating angle. Work on putting weight on your toes. When things seam to be going badly in the course i get out and make a few passes to get back to the basics
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  • Baller

Two other tips for making the most of freeskiing:

- focus on a progressive pull, feeling your lean get more intense, hitting max at the first wake/centreline. When freeskiing at your level, you need to fight the temptation to take it easy at the wakes

- develop a habit of what to do with your eyes. Without the balls, you need to be systematic. Pull out for your setup, look straight down the lake, then passing your gaze to the back of the boat as you turn in, then picking a spot wide-and-in-front of the next imaginary ball for your pre-turn: somewhere that will take effort and angle during your lean to get to. As you get out there and begin the preturn, look momentarily down the lake and then repeat the process. Over time it will help you establish a course-like mental rhythm.

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