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Eddie Roberts - Water Ski Hall Of Fame - Award of Distinction


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Eddie Roberts has played a pivotal role in the progression of waterskiing through his work at both HO Sports and Radar Waterskis. As Herb O'Brien's right-hand man Eddie was a sponge as he learned from the master. This allowed him to become a product manager for the waterski division where he would oversee production and manage R&D for waterski design. Eddie has been at the forefront of innovation as he implemented new processes and constructions into manufacturing. Eddie has also helped shape tournament skiing in the PNW as a pioneer for early events and lakes that have come to fruition. We couldn’t be more stoked for Eddie as he’s being awarded the Award of Distinction for all his accomplishments.

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  • Baller
Still remember when I called up Eddie 22 years ago when I was a senior in high school to ask him how water skis were made. I told him that I wanted to make a ski for my senior project and he sent me a core and glass. I still have the ski to this day and someone ran 34 mph 28 off on it. Eddie is awesome! The ski....not so awesome, but a learning experience :)
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  • Gold Member

Congratulations to a great technician of the sport and a great friend! Well deserved. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to know and ski with Eddie over the years. Today a friend and I skied on Radar Lk with Eddie in the boat. He always has a positive spirit and energy level towards skiing and life. Eddie, you’re my hero and an inspiration to us all!


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