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Are there enough L / R events in your area?


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@Jody_Seal I guess if you're willing to travel those kinds of distances it's "near" enough. It's a 4-hour drive for me to get to the nearest L events so I just don't get up there very often.
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By the way this thread is in response to comments in the W4 thread saying that some skiers only had Regional and Nationals to get international scores.
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  • Baller_
We were fortunate to have two L events in Michigan this year. Some years we have none. Each was full with a waiting list and we received many comments about participants returning if/when L tournaments were offered. Several traveled 200 miles or more.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_
Harald Hintringer was one who traveled to our L tournament in August. He got 2@-41 in his last round (I think that included opting up from 35 to 39). After his round, which was about 1/2 hour before sunset, he said, “Now, I don’t even mind the 4 1/2 hour drive back in the dark”.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

we need less L/R events not more, stupid waste of time and energy setting up all the tech and finding sr judges so a few juniors can qualify for Can-Am and Jr masters etc.


They need to lower the qualification for these events to class C.


E should only be used for when someone is going to break a national record.


L is even a more stupid thing where everyone has to jump thru a bunch of hoops, follow a different rule book, just so a few top tier skiers can qualify for a Sr world event. Again class C should be fine for that.


R should only be for Pro events.

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  • Baller
I know I usually enjoy the class C events much more than the L/R events. Part of that is because I’m one of the organizers/hosts at our site where we host usually 2 L/R tours a year; and they are a ton of work. As others have said, the majority of skiers don’t need them. I believe if I want to attend one, I’m willing to drive 5 or 6 hours to get there ; that’s a drop in the bucket compared to my time investment at my lake hosting one.
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  • Baller
Lucky to have plenty of ELR tournaments within an hour drive here in Clermont Florida. I remember when I first moved to Florida a guy asked me if I knew the difference between a Record tournament and C tournament in Florida. His answer was $100.00. In may cases in Florida, you can register for C or ELR at the same site/tournament. You get the same judges/drivers regardless. I drove and judged many C tournaments as a Senior Driver and Senior Judge while also doing the ELR portion.
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  • Baller
Seems there are a few pockets in the US with enough density of skiers and officials to pull off Records. Sacramento is one of them where it seems like we have records somewhere in that area nearly every weekend in the peak summer. A 2hr drive for me, and I consider that near. Heck, I typically drive 1-2 hrs each way just to practice.
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