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New Account Management Software on SKI-IT-AGAIN Needs Testing!


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  • Baller

Greetings BALLERS ... LarryG @ SKI-IT-AGAIN!


Have a BIG favor to ask ...


SIA has been writing new account management software for the SIA website as well as integrating Google Analytics ... but the software needs to be field TESTED!!! SIA has been trying to get this rolled out for sometime, but LIFE keeps popping up! Many of the changes are behind the scenes, but there is plenty to check out and comment on.


OBJECTIVE: BEAT THE CRAP out of the software to find any bugs you can and report them! Suggestions and Questions also welcome!



Anyone who provides a bug report or offers a suggestion will be entered into a drawing for a free SLALOM TOG!



1) Use the following URL.


2) Use the SIGN IN button on the left navbar. If you can't recall your password, use the LOST PASSWORD utility. It is possible your password grabbed for the member database is different than you normally use.

3) The MANAGE ACCOUNT button is used to view your Profile, Postings (Active, Sold, Not Sold), and Google Analytic metrics.

SKI-IT-AGAIN Account Mgt Software TEST

Words of Warning:

1) TEST SITE is fully functional but some pages may be older.

2) Postings created in the TEST site are not duped to the LIVE site.

3) Posting inquiries will NOT be sent to the seller, however, you will receive your complimentary copy. Same goes for TELL A FRIEND, you will get the CC but the friend will not.

4) Always look for "TEST" in the URL of the web browser OR in the subject line of an email.

5) Always look for "S.I.A. TEST SITE" on the website header.

6) Report BUGS back to larryg@ski-it-again.com. Please include problem path (how do you repeat the problem) and/or screenshots if possible.



1) The current architecture is such that every posting is a separate record/account which is not ideal for managing accounts.

2) Provides more ways for user interface customization such as "Your Favorite Summer Categories".

3) Allows for future upgrades such as registering to be notified for a particular item and whatever else WE can think up!

4) Allows for pre-filled forms and other user interface efficiencies.

5) It's Cool and a long time coming.


Some ROE (Rules of Engagement):

1) Basic surfing and posting inquiries do not require signin/membership ... so no real diff from today for basic usage.

2) Posting creation, revision and account management require SIGN IN, but once signed in, many fields will pre-fill automatically.

3) There are 5 levels of membership: Basic, Premium, and (3) Power-User Levels. The Power-User Levels have been in existence for sometime, but are used mostly by Dealers. BASIC (Free) is what most people will use and as for Premium ... well for the monthly cost of a FooFoo Coffee, you will get whatever cool crap I can think up with respect to metrics and other useful info.

4) If you had an active posting in the last year, your account should already be there. Use the LOST PASSWORD utility if you do not recall your password.

5) FOR TESTING, any level of membership is selectable and will by-pass PayPal (for Premium and Power-User subscriptions).

6) Premium and above will have access to Google Analytics for their postings, however, an overnight feed is necessary for new postings.

7) The PayPal "By-Pass" page allows you to simulate a successful PayPal payment OR cancel your PayPal payment, thus seeing how the SIA website handles both cases.

8) NOTE: The WINTER side of SIA has not been fully updated. Once the SUMMER side is stable, will transfer changes to the cold side!


And don't forget to enter the 2020 NYD SKI TOG GIVEAWAY!!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!



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  • Baller

@ski4xtc YOU ARE MOST WELCOME! Definitely not going to progress the sport with my PB so doing what I can with software skills, sponsorships, adaptive efforts, and non-pro training to keep the dream alive!


Want to give a shout out to RobB, DonC, BryceG, and BobF for providing feedback on the Account Mgt software. Working the kinks out of it, planning to go live by 01 JAN.


2020 will hopefully provide time to make some additional improvements so stay tuned!


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!



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