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Great waterskiing quotes


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  • Baller

For new skis, I always remember a comment made by my late buddy Carlitos Chicharro, an outstanding skier and an even better person:


"a new ski will feel better than anything you have tried before, will look like the one that will take you to the next level... until the ski realizes who is riding it..."

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  • Baller

Lucky Lowe on teaching how to time up the gates:

"Andy Mapple told me you watch the tow bar go through the gates cuz that's the same on every boat."

A few passes later, Joel is in the water trying to clarify something.

"Yes, but I said ANDY MAPPLE told me this........He could have been lying to me!"

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  • Baller

The year that @SkiKolb got his Linsfranc injury, he always told the story of his injury, "I was skiing 39off up the line when I fell at 2 ball at 35off."


Wait... you were skiing 39off, and you fell at 35?


Now every time someone blows a pass or misses an opener and we have to later explain what happened we begin the story with, "I was skiing 39off up the line and I fell at [insert buoy and line length].


It's quite comical if I miss my opener at 15off.


In fairness to @SkiKolb I don't think anyone really knows what the actual line length was - the story has just taken on a life of its own. And you know the saying, "never let the facts get in the way of a good story".

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  • Baller

Lucky: "Did I tell you to ski like that?"

Jim: "No"

Lucky: "Then what the hell are you doin?"


Lucky: "If you can't win, why are you here?"


CP: "Dude, your brother is a freak of nature!"


Wade: "I want you to sit on the ball on your onside"


Jodie: "Do you boys fancy a tittie bar?"


JP McCormick: "Do y'all like both kinds of music, country AND western?" only later to suggest we hit "Club Squeeze" which was, well, I won't go there but let's say we midwesterners didn't fit in well.


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  • Baller_

Young kid at McCormack Ski School circa 1971 in bunk room after lights out, inquiring of a slightly drunk 20 something German skier who just came in from a night on the town:


Kid: So Hans Willi, what happens if you try to have sex with a girl when you are drunk?


HW: Agh, you get slack in the rope!


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  • Baller

A skier in our old club would often say “go ahead and shorten it. I would have made that pass if I would have gotten around 5 ball okay”.


That skier is no longer with us and several times a year that will be said by any of us and we all say the spirit of Elwood lives on!


Another gem: “I am seeing some things that I find very disturbing”.



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