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June - Water Ski Armageddon Poll


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  • Baller

Trying to ski 2x a week. Full time remote work allows me ski mid week occasionally and get other chores done during the day.


For example I mowed the lawn between meetings today which will free up the ability to ski one evening.


Next season will be better as my kids get older and can come out to the lake for longer periods.

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  • Baller
Trying to ski Saturday and Sunday mornings at Big lake and again on Wednesday morning before our regular time slot on Bow lake with the Wednesday night crew. So far the weather has been iffy in the weekends but decent on Wednesdays
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  • Baller_
The interesting thing about this poll is that it's June 1. So, the cumulative skiing at this point in the month is either 1 day or zero days. For me, fortunately, it is 1. So, I guess it is about normal. But, then again, zero could be normal as well at this point in the month.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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Thought this was going to be the best year ever. One of the regular crew moved onto the lake full time and another willing to do morning or lunch ski most days. I have been able to ski daily for the most part for years. But May 19 one off the dames on our lake breached so no more lake! The devastation on the lakes and down river is massive. The only good thing is no lose of life! So for this poll I can answer even this early into June. :'(
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