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Shoulder rehab advice


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  • Baller
Hey ballers, I thought I would see if the community has any advice on rehabing shoulder injuries from impact injuries (hard falls). I thought with age I had learned to avoid a bad OTF, but yesterday I went over the front on my way to 6-ball and crashed hard. I'm sore all over, but also injured my shoulder. This is the fourth time in 12 years I've had the same injury to a shoulder (two left, two right): no full dislocation, and twice in the past an orthopedist looked at an MRI and said nothing was torn, but like in the past I can't lift my arm above my head without using my other arm to assist with the lift. Even a tossing a tennis ball a few feet will have me cringing in pain. Pain is in the front half of the should, deep at the socket. In the past, this injury took 1-2 years to heal and never back to normal (fortunately, I could ski after a few weeks). Not having a working shoulder really sucks. Anyone else have similar shoulder injuries, and any advice on physical therapy/rehab? Thx!
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  • Baller
Thanks for the advice, guys. I’m going to give it a few more days and see how things feel before charting a course of action. Any arm movement below my shoulder isn’t too bad. Anything above my shoulder is “no bueno”
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  • Baller
does it make a difference is you are palm up or palm down when you raise your arm? I have some impingement, tendinitis, and a little bursitis in my right shoulder near the acromion (thought I had labral tear but MRI revealed I didn't, fortunately). Palm down, I'm fine. Palm up, it sucks trying to raise my arm above my shoulder out in front of me or to my side. Also, external rotation sucks. Like being sworn in to testify. Arm at 90 and forearm completely perpendicular to the floor is impossible.
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  • Baller

Ice is the cheapest and the most underestimated remedy.

Former doctor of national soccer team told me that the first week after injury ice gives 50% of success of treatment. As much ice and as long applications as possible.

Unfortunately I had couple of chances to confirm his rightness.

Later I checked biochemical grounds of this advise and all was confirmed!

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  • Baller

you need to see a doctor. full stop.


if they don't recommend surgery, they will (should) recommend Physio. Most partial tears are not candidates for surgery, depending on age and activities. A doctor can do little more than recommend surgery or maybe give you a cortisone shot. That is only temporary to relieve the inflammation.


Go to a good sports physio and work with them to reduce the inflammation, built range of motion back and then strength, especially focusing on your core so your shoulders aren't taking so much load. stick to the program. lots of theraband work, stretching, etc.

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Look for a clinic that uses Active Therapeutic Movement on the ATM device.Based on the principle of force closure(qualified therapist will know what that is) and is tremendous for non and post surgical cases and in some cases pre hab.
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