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Mikes Overall Binding - Handle Guards


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  • Baller
@skierjp @DonT @Laz got the handle guards headed your way, and busy cutting more! Working on some more versions, who knew there were so many different handles!

Mike's Overall Binding

USA Water Ski  Senior Judge   Senior Driver   Senior Tech Controller


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  • Baller_
@ForrestGump I’d think the manufacturers would be producing them as a permanent part of a handle purchase. Maybe this has to go the way of snow ski helmets. Eventually it will become the standard. Never wore a snow ski helmet till I was in my late 30s.
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  • Baller_
@slow shouldn’t they mandate USCA vests?? Safety is a personal choice to some degree. I consider the item between my ears to be the best safety equipment I own. I did not start wearing a snow ski helmet because ski racers did. I started wearing it cause of newby and crazy a$$ snow boarders started showing up where I skied. I also think the tide turned do to the tragic death of Sunny Bono. But that’s getting off topic. Reality is I’ll probably get a handle guard from Mike sooner then later. ?
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  • Baller_
I dont see it becoming standard on handles, as you eliminate the part of the custom handle that makes it safe, no plastic on it, so when it hits the water it pulls straight, does not stay a triangle, which is why that is all my dad would ever use, never anything with the plastics that keep the handle open.

Performance Ski and Surf 




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  • Baller
@mike_mapple I get your reasoning there, but many skiers, less skilled than your dad, will get hung up in the bridle before the handle ever hits the water. Of course it is all just an added degree of safety, as the any sport can be dangerous. I could not imagine the devastation of my kids or grandkids ever getting caught up in the bridal. Always a personal choice, but a little added peace of mind.

Mike's Overall Binding

USA Water Ski  Senior Judge   Senior Driver   Senior Tech Controller


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  • Baller_

@mmosley899 I dont disagree with you, but saying it should be standard on all handles is ridiculous, I get people want to be safe and that helps them believe they are safer and more power to them. But its fine how they are, those people who want them can buy them / add them to handles. Just inputing my .02 into the convo, I do think its great when some asks me about them I know who to let them know will make them / offers them.



Performance Ski and Surf 




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  • Baller

@mike I used to think like you then I had that prerelease at hook up.


a weird place to prerelease. I had a handle guard on small like mikes and still got hurt ( but it saved my life)



Im lucky to be here and to be 100% again in 8 mouths.


no one wants there neck pulled on. it like wearing a bike helmet why not.



if you care about the people you ski with use handle guards!


no one skis with me without a guard I will hand them duck tape if they have no guard.




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  • Baller
@mike_mapple Handle guards would make a terrific point of purchase item. I don’t know of any business that doesn’t benefit from additional sales. I’ve used one for a decade and have never noticed it, but I have a buddy who was in the boat twice when one was needed. One person had a guard and lived. The other didn’t and died.
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