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Denali c85


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  • Baller

Because Horton has a long to do list and won’t be posting his review anytime soon, I can share my experience. I’m six sets in on the C85 and may have mentioned in the new ski thread, the C85 rocks. I love my C75 and won’t sell it - back up ski - but I feel like I have a new offside with the C85. I started with stock settings - good - then boots a micro-just forward - better. Next was shorter/deeper, more angle, but could be better. Tried long/shallow like I ran my C75… awesome. This ski has a tip down attitude that just keeps the ski moving. I also feel like it is almost harder for me to get stuck on the tail, and if I do get back on the tail, I can come off of it pretty easily. Definitely worth the upgrade and the potential hit to marital bliss I took by placing the order on Mother’s Day,


(No, the Mrs. was not upset.)

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@dchrisman - People think I am lying to them when I share stories like that! Congratulations!


I wanted to share something that is often not a topic of conversation..


I've been skiing on and off with Austin Abel since 2008. He is a HOUSE of a dude at 6'8 and easily pushing 220lbs. With every ski he has ever ridden, within a couple months he is looking for a replacement because its "gone", 'broke down" or not working for him anymore.


We had Austin so dialed in last year on the c75 that he did not want to make the change to the c85 yet this season. I'm on the phone with him yesterday and he tells me that he has now skied over 600 sets since on the c75 and it still feels just like the day he got it.


If durability/longevity is something that you worry about with a ski - just reach out to Austin A and have a chat!


While we don't talk about it much, a tremendous amount of the internal design of the ski is to ensure the ski is BULLETPROOF. Yes, our skis are as different on the inside as they are on the outside.


Manufacturing a gorilla proof high end slalom ski is a #1 priority on my design list and I think its safe to say that Austin 600+ sets on the c-75 is a mile marker for real life durability testing of a slalom ski!

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@adamhcaldwell That's is AWESOME. Durability is greatly underappreciated in product design these days.


As a bonus, if the c-75s will rock out forever maybe you can get people to delay their c85 orders so that you can get some sleep! :)

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I hereby submit to the rules committee that if the ski passes over the buoy in an airborne fashion, even if it cannot be confirmed that it was outside the buoy line, as a result of a tremendous and unprecedented effort, such skier shall be awarded 1/8 of a buoy.
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  • Baller
What are people doing for alternative fin settings? My wife just got her C85 and has two sets on it so far. Tried stock settings, she didn't like them and said the ski felt like it was behind her in the turn. Last night I put my C75 short and deep settings and she liked it better, but it wasn't finishing the turn like her old ski (D3 EVO with Whisper Fin). She skis 32mph and gets into 28 off.
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