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Who wants to see the GOODE Nationals Webcasted again?


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  • Baller

We are over half way to full funding of the Nationals webcast by the waterski broadcasting company. AWSA is donating $5k, USAWS is donating $5k and each region is doing $500, we have raised another $1000 so we need to hit it hard down the home stretch to make this happen, $10-$20 is all we need from each of you. Think of it as PPV.





Fundraising to have a professional webcast of the 2021 GOODE Nationals by the Waterski Broadcasting Company.  We need to raise $25k to make it happen, lets see what we can raise to make the webcast happen. IF WE DO NOT HIT OUR GOAL OF $25,000 OR THE WEBCAST DOES NOT TAKE PLACE ALL FUNDS WILL BE REFUNDED IN FULL.


Why is it more this year?  Part of it is due to the 2 additional days plus a night event.  The other part is that in 2020 Lodging, some camera work,  and food were covered by someone other than a donation,  $25k allows us to have the full production done by the Waterski broadcasting company.  If we don't hit $25k there are areas we can reduce cost and still have the webcast.

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  • Baller
Curious why the sponsors, ski co's, boat co's, equip vendors, etc are not kicking in as it's great exposure for all the brands to the skiing public who is their target audience. Needs to be a dedicated marketing plan for events like this to make TWBC broadcasts happen. Sure, you can apeal to the skiing public for funds but again the companies making and distributing all the equipment should have a vested interest in having the broadcasts done to get exposure for their brands.
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  • Baller

As are the entrants skiers at $165 to have a chance to run 20 buoys.


Flights, $~300 per person

Hotel, $300 total

Rental Car, $150-$250

Meals, $150

Beer, unknown.


Tough pill to swallow kicking in $10 after spending the above then getting home and listening to people complain about contributing for a webcast.


Zero guilt here for watching it and "not paying".

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  • Baller
@AdamCord - I understand, but they also want their brands seen by as large of an audience as possible. As you know the broadcast audience is worldwide and will of course be huge compared to those on site. That's the exposure they want, which is why I'd expect the cost of the broadcast to be a component in their planned tournament budget. Don't put the broadcast cost on the public when the biggest benefactors are the brands. Sure we enjoy the viewing but we're also the ones buying their products. The more they're in front of the public the more they are known and sell.
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  • Baller
@MDB1056 I don't think you have a firm understanding of what the reality of this is. The biggest benefactor for the webcast are the skiers, their families, friends, etc., not the brands. The sponsors support Nationals, this is to help Nationals bring further value to all involved.
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  • Baller
@unksskis - appreciate the comments. From my chair you're too close to this. Nothing unique to the skiing industry here. In any industry the consumers purchase the products or services which keeps the companies in business. The companies market to the consumers for recognition and brand equity so we will see, recognize, and buy the products. Same as commercials on TV, YouTube, etc. Yes we the skiers get to enjoy the broadcast but that's what sponsors want, it's the viewership seeing their products. Said another way, consumers don't pay to learn what products are out there, rather the manufacturers spend millions on making sure they keep their brands in front of us as much as possible. Part of the basic costs of doing business. No different than the banner ads on this page. As I'm sure we would all agree, as consumers we are overrun with advertising at every turn.
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  • Baller_

@scoke I hear ya, but to do some simple math, dropping $10 for a webcast contribution is 1% of your Nationals ticket - without beer. So its the equavalent of 1 decent IPA at a local pub or a 6 pack at 7-11. And its not like the webcast crew is making a killing.


I bet you squeak when you walk :p

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

Come on Guy's, Tony and his group bust their ass to put on these shows. I would feel ashamed to not at least contribute just 10 bucks to the effort knowing it is growing the sport. This is the least we could do, should be more !!!



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  • Baller
@Horton - yes they do, but that's the cost of being in the business, which includes marketing and promotion. I get it this is a small industry, but it doesn't change the fundamentals of the business model. I'm sure it will be a great event for all to enjoy!
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  • Baller
I gladly threw some coin at this because I don't have cable (heck I dont even have wi-fi at home), and the 10 hours I was glued to the computer watching the Swiss Pro (and re-watching later) was well worth some $$. I'll consider this my entertainment budget. TWBC does such a great job. Lets make this happen.
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  • Baller
@MDB1056 In mainstream sport, the vast majority of income required to run an event comes from broadcasting rights. In turn, the broadcasting companies get their income from a combination of sponsors/marketing and the viewers. The vast majority of this is from the viewers paying monthly subscriptions or PPV fees. I believe we are incredibly lucky that we have a company such as TWBC that is prepared to spare the viewers a mandatory fee and try and recoup all costs directly from organisers and sponsors. They also rely heavily on people providing their services at next to no cost. In my view, $10-$20 is nothing for the terrific spectacle they are now able to provide.
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@MDB1056 just to be clear you know there are not one Millions of dollars in the combined marketing budgets of all water ski companies. ( yes when you look at all of the marketing for the boat companies - for all market segments it is millions but NOT for water ski specific)




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  • Baller

Negative. Booked everything today for nationals and regionals.


Fll-MDW, $93

MDW-FLL, $120

Southwest, no checked bag fees.


Food it’s only 1 dinner and 2 lunches and 2 breakfasts for two.


Get in, get out.

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  • Baller

I have a 5-6 hour drive. I plan to contribute once I get everything booked. It will be my first nationals. First time qualified. Would love to see it on video. I'm cheap so I will pack a cooler or two full of food and drinks.


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  • Baller
With various channels looking for fresh content and the fact that the quality of the webcasts are a far cry from the early days, they now offer true quality viewing, is the likes of Red Bull not interested in buying the content, surely water skiing has to have the same or more draw than, high diving off of cliffs or soap box racing and for those people who think F1 is boring, what about aeroplane pylon racing, how boring is that !
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@gjohnson I'm not sure you understand. If you approached ESPN tomorrow and asked for a half hour slot they would ask you for maybe $250,000 and then you have to go out and find advertisers to sell commercials to to cover your cost.
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  • Baller
Just saw The Liquid Edge (MC Dealer in Illinois) is matching all donations up to 5k between today and 6/15. If you feel compelled to donate, now might be a good time to see your money go a bit further with the match.
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