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Ear Drum Episode


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  • Baller
Just got off the lake an hour ago. It was pretty crap with a fair amount of chop and a steady breeze. I told myself to not get too spun up, but as usual got a little agro anyway. Inevitably I blew the fin and landed smack on the side of my head. My ear was really stinging and I was very disoriented for a minute or so getting back in the boat. Now it's better but it still feels as if I've got a pint of water deep in my ear canal, my ear is ringing a bit and I can't hear so well on that side. This was a first for me. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of incident or ideas for remediation. How long did it take for your head to clear?
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  • Baller
@georgert I know exactly what you're going through. I just started a thread about ear drum injuries yesterday. Scroll down a bit and you'll find it and the answers to your questions. Infection is likely to follow so get some antibiotic drops from your doctor and start using them right away.
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  • Baller

Ear doctor/waterskier here. Please get your ear looked at by a physician. Assume you have ruptured you eardrum until proven otherwise. You must keep all water out of your ear. Do not let them flush your ear if they cannot visualize your eardrum.


I hope you're OK. Could just be some water stuck behind wax pressed up against your eardrum from the force of the fall.

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  • Baller

@georgert Took a bad fall in the course some years ago and had about a quart trapped behind my left ear. At least it felt that way.


Went to the doctor who confirmed a ruptured eardrum. Mine was such that it was best to let it heal naturally, which it did, but I still get periodic ringing. I would get it checked out ASAP.


Luckily my OTF's are behind me. :)


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  • Baller
Same thing happened to me 2 seasons ago. Smacked side of head against the water and was very disoriented for a couple minutes. Couldn't tell which way was up. Ear drum was ruptured, ended up getting infected. Get checked out. Glad I did.
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  • Baller
I have ruptured my ear drums several times barefooting.One time Idid not listen to my wife and daughter and ended up in the ER the next day as it got infected and was not enjoyable.Today I have vertigo at times really bad not sure if related........
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  • Baller
Yup! Probably ruptured ear drum. Everyone is giving you good advice....take it....see a doctor immediately and get the anti biotic drops! I ruptured mine on July 3rd. Was taking a lesson from Noah Vieke. Had a yard sale on my opener and hit the water hard on my right ear. I knew before surfacing I had done a number on my ear. Put all my stuff back on and finished the lesson (get back on the horse!) and on my way home stopped at immediate care and verified ruptured ear drum. Got prescription for ear drops. (I did my ear drum decades ago and remember it got infected...not fun!) I got back on the ski a week or so later with ear plugs. (soft moldable ones at CVS seemed the best for me) Took about a month or 5 weeks for all to get back to normal. (I'm old and probably have longer recovery period than you) Go to doctor/Get the drips!
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  • Baller

@ScottScott that's the problem with these swim plugs. The do reduce sound by about 25dB. That's the trade off for solid water protection. When I really want to make sure I'm watertight, I will even add a thin layer of vaseline to my custom plugs. This makes them even more sound cancelling.


Biggest issue for me is when I'm taking a lesson and the instructor is giving me pointers. I can still hear Jodi's whistles at me when I'm skiing, but it can be hard just hearing a normal voice in between runs.

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  • Baller

Yep - been there done that, I now ski with doc’s pro plugs, they are vented which is critical for impact protection and they allow you to hear just fine.


If you wear regular ear plugs that are not vented, you will still blow out your eardrum as the air behind it will still get compressed inward, the vent allows the air to escape.


Only annoyance is sometimes the vent hole gets temporarily plugged with water on one side off a deep water start and I have to shake it out before starting my pull out.




Dive shops carry them so go in a try on the sizing samples in the store to get the right size. Can’t beat them and they are $14.



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  • Baller

No ear plug, vented or not, will prevent you from rupturing your ear drum with a direct hit.


I merely mentioned my use of custom fitted ear plugs since I have a chronic perforation in one ear and a mastoid cavity in the other. I do my best to keep all water out for fear of infection.

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