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Did you guys hear what happed to @ Mrs_MS


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Rumor has it @ Mrs_MS was kicking @ The_MS in the butt so hard that she actually fractured her own ankle. That poor woman. I do not know how she lives with @The_MS


I hope she heals up quick.

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so you're actually kicking MS in the head and didn't realize it was solid rock?


Shattered heel (calcaneus) is a bad deal

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  • Baller

@Mrs_MS The surgeon reckoned she'd be out for at least 6 months but she (being herself) was hobbling around the house sooner than told to, it helped to heal it quicker apparently.


They had to get a specialist in to do the op it was that bad, but they thought that because it was so bad and needed so much work on it, that it would heal quicker and stronger.


She still needs to do rehab on it, but because she did all her PT religiously it has minimal scar tissue.

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My surgery for tomorrow is cancelled because United Health Care couldn’t get it authorised in time….they require 3 days for an urgent surgery claim and it was sent Thursday! (5 days)

So now I have to wait another week!

Praying for strength! :(


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My injury was almost Identical to @6balls and what makes this sort of all the same is the injuries are at or near the ankle. I am not a doctor but have survived and recovered from 5 surgeries on my injury. - Very important - Keep it elevated to at least the level of your heart 99 % of the time for the first 3 months and regularly elevated there after. Swelling is your enemy. It will have a huge impact on your final outcome after recovery.

Best wishes on your surgery and recovery.

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  • Baller
@Mrs_MS - United Healthcare. Ugh. I have had less than optimal experience with them. My friend in medicine says they are the worst for paying out. I hope all goes well for you through all of this. Heal quickly.
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Mrs. @jhughes broke her foot at Swiss in December. Third PASS of the trip. In the best shape of her life. Partial eject from HO Animal front boot. Clean breaks across 3 metatarsals right on top of the foot. No surgery, no displacement. Nearly 5 months later- still physical rehab and limping around, not a chance of skiing. It's amazing how even a fairly basic seeming break takes so long to recover from.
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Sorry to hear that. Not sure I’ll ski again, time will tell I guess??



Agree…My doctor has had it with UHC and claims she will discontinue accepting them.

They initially denied my anesthesia for my surgery! WTF?? Claimed was out of network!

I raised almighty hell…. It’s taken care of but you have to watch EVERY MOVE THEY MAKE!!!


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  • Baller

@Mrs_MS you will be able to ski again if you want, question will be trust. Your accident somewhat like mine in that it was a routine thing. Mine was on a routine 28 off opener early season so was like my 6th 28 off in a row in the second set on glass. Was stupid early gotclean locked out of 4 which is onside. yzi4fgvddsas.jpeg

I didn’t feel the fear in my return, but it can be there for sure and make u wonder as u get older if it’s still worth it. Certainly don’t want a repeat.

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  • Baller
@The_MS My wife had that surgery 20 yrs ago by a top surgeon at north memorial and it worked out fine.However I am sure it will be a problem as these ladies get older and they will experience some pain as we folks know it to be ARTHRITIS.I have plenty of it in my old joints at my ripe old age of 74..........
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