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Ski dreams


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  • Baller

Prompted by @horton dreaming about EP tube wings. Do you have any memorable ski dreams?

My most memorable ski dream is running a pass on a dead calm lake without a boat or rope.  I did a complete circle around #6 before going out the gate.  Just the other night I dreamed I was doing TWLB's . There was a rope this time but no boat or wake in sight.  I did one after another and floated effortlessly over the rope.  It seems there is reduced gravity in my dreams.

Edited by dchristman
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  • Baller

I had ski dreams in the week after I first skied a course. (After 20 years of growing up slalom free skiing).  It was a long time ago now, but I felt like I was visualizing the transition from a blank sheet of paper to graph paper.  A little bit of Tron Lightcycle thrown in there. Definitely the grid part of it.

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  • Baller_

I have a reoccurring dream that I’m at Nationals and ski past the 55s and forget to pull out for the gate. Of course I have another reoccurring dream that I’m at the final exam and not only did I not go to class, I never even bought the books. Psychologically, I suppose they really are the same. Some manifestation about fear of being unprepared. But as a lawyer I never once dreamed that I was in court and unprepared. Go figure. 

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Decades ago now, but I used to have one regularly that I was by myself and somehow driving the boat while skiing the course.  There were a few variations on how I was doing this, but of course none made an ounce of sense.  I kinda feel like my brain was trying to invent something ... and failed.

A surprisingly similar one was trying to drive two cars using just the one steering wheel in the car I was actually in.  These were very realistic and detailed, and I eventually "learned" to bang one of the cars into guard rails in order to get them in sync for things like exiting the highway.

In neither the driving&skiing nor the driving&driving scenario did I ever have any fear or actually try to STOP.  *shrug*

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  • Baller

I’ve had a lot of dreams about skiing but can remember almost nothing about them. I have had nightmares about getting sucked into the turbine inlets of Conowingo Dam. We used to ski right up against the dam when the wind was out of the south. 

Edited by BKistler
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  • Baller

I was kind of surprised at the nightmarish ski dreams you guys had. My low-gravity, no-boat, dreams memories are nothing but joy.
Maybe the power of suggestion but last night I had a ski dream that wasn't a nightmare, but there was no joy in it.

Someone was preparing me to jump. The visual was my POV looking at the floor with someone's feet and a stack of new yellow-orange Stinger jumpers in a couple lengths. "What size bindings do you need?" he asked me. "here's a 4.5". There was one of those angular looking EP bindings sitting on the floor - I forget what they were called... System something?  I could hear music playing. It was Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift (I'm not a fan). I just looked up the lyrics. The first line is "I have this thing where I get older, but not wiser" (!?) I haven't jumped in 40 years!
Maybe I'm just suppressing the bad ones. What the hell else is in there!?

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