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Posts posted by rockdog

  1. 1 hour ago, Spencer_Shultz said:

    For you guys commenting about “you need a club.” You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You know nothing about me, my parents, where I grew up skiing and how a family shared what they had with me and my family, to get me and countless others absolutely hooked on this sport. 

    Awesome 🤣


    5 hours ago, BGrow76 said:

    In this case where @Spencer_Shultz family is building a lake for the use by one family there will be a lot of down time, once this is figures out offering memberships during this down time would be an awesome way to grow the sport and spread the love to the 99.99999% of those that can't afford to build their own lake.

    @BGrow76 I'm pretty certain Spencer did not put up this thread for dumbass commentary like this. I doubt he's interested in your opinion on what he should or shouldn't do with HIS OWN lake. Appreciate the journey he's had in doing it like the rest of us and move on with your life. FMD.

    • Like 5
  2. 3 hours ago, Stevie Boy said:

    I would rather continue with the S Turn, than see skiers banged up, we are talking potential interaction with the Handle or potentially serious injury in some other form.

    Anybody read the Warning that comes with a ski or binding.


    6 hours ago, Horton said:

    My comments are about commitment and effort not about some perceived  "fairness". If you're trying to work your way down 35 or shorter you've probably risked your health doing a s turn and then trying to get back to the boat guide in time.

    Seriously you guys? This is a serious sport that takes a huge physical effort at the level we are talking about. This is a Pro Tour!

    Every time I went on the field when I played football it was a risk, that's part of the reason we did it is because it wasn't easy. You think we should be safe at the pro level, absolute rubbish IMO. These guys are unbelievable and should be pushing the boundaries when they're going for victories at a tournament.

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  3. I've been using two ML Ergo's for some years now and there's hardly any wear on either of them.. Only problem is they both bent in the middle, which I now actually prefer.

  4. @MattL go to an inline skate store. They'll have a box of spare buckles out back you can get cheap. I did it for my R-style years ago and no problem.

    Also my mounts have a little rust in there but still are ok. Spray in some WD-40, screw the screws in and out a few times to make sure thread is still good and re-mount. I do this as a matter of maintenance a couple of times a season.

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