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Everything posted by jerrym

  1. We're dealing with water that is 170 F or more so I'm inclined toward a brass housing. PE or PP housings won;t hold up. Don't want to be duct taping a PE housing in the middle of a set!
  2. Its that time of year where the hot shower is most appreciated. We are running a 2015 SN 200. The mixing valve for the shower is getting plugged up with metal particles at the hot water inlet, presumably from the engine block. Its a pain to pull the valve and clean it so we are considering adding a small wye strainer to the hose running back to the mixing valve. Has anyone else seen this issue? Any better ideas?
  3. Scheduled to have three sites excised next week - one is melanoma and the other two are basal. Caught all of them early - had a melanoma 25 years ago and have kept an eye out for odd shaped and colored moles ever since. Hope its another 25 years before the next one!
  4. The pylon will flex, and not just a little bit. You should still check to make sure it is tight now that you have some hours on it as it may have loosened a bit over time. That may be the source of the creaking. Next time you are driving, you can reach back with your left arm and feel the pylon flex as the skier engages the rope.
  5. Please don't let the endless summer come to an end....no, no, no....getting an ice cream headache just thinking about the cold.
  6. @cragginshred - thanks for starting this thread - exactly what I have been working on the last couple of weeks, with mostly positive results. I have noticed exactly what @Horton points out - the buoy line is too late to start the counter. Bringing the hips through the wakes is working, now time to add @twhisper guidance about getting taller. My goal is to develop a proper offside turn followed by a killer onside turn. And I'm hoping @Lovell is correct about the stack becoming easier.
  7. @TallSkinnyGuy - once you heat mold the liner, you will experience an increase in comfort. I don;t know much about the Talon, but you will find the combination of the molded liner and the boot to be pretty much ideal. Enjoy!
  8. I'm still using the green MSN gloves I bought last season. Good grip, fewer calluses but the big strap comes undone. All in all now my favorite glove.
  9. chin up my man! Get healed up and get some off season workouts in and your skiing addiction will kick in....
  10. I just moved into a carbitex front binding and love it as well. I have been in a similar homemade system for years and have found that it is okay to come out partially - front or back. I expect a full release from the carbitex for those out-the-front tuck and roll falls (that fortunately don;t happen as much as they used to!! ). I snug up the top lace and am comfortable and feel a good connection to the ski. I keep my back foot very loose - it helps me make sure I keep my COM forward. In summary if you need to come out completely, you will do so.
  11. I recently bought a new handle and ordered the 1.06 diameter by mistake. Turns out that it is much easier on the hands even in the hot memphis summer. I expected to have issues with the transition from 096 but no problem there.
  12. @xrated you may want to be aware of your on-side turn mechanics. It is very easy to get in the habit of driving your on-side turn with your back leg and twisting the back knee in the process. Also, a good warmup goes a long way - I've settled on a few minutes with a jump rope to get the blood flowing.
  13. We get our course parts and pieces from Wallyskier.com
  14. I love it! I hope you know that you have an addiction.....
  15. jerrym


    We have made it a rule to make sure we have a cell phone on board when there is no observer onboard. Makes it possible to call for help. The shock tube is a must. It can happen with new ropes and when you least expect it.
  16. Can't wait to see if Seth can close the sale! Might have to buy him a coffee.....
  17. During the season, I do not hit the weights at all. I play basketball three nights a week in addition to skiing three or four nights - 6-8 sets per week of 8 or so passes. Tournament weekends will take a lot out of you and there are times when you just have to take a rest day or two in order to get a full recovery. Better than overdoing it and suffering an injury. I am mens 5.
  18. The Collierville Ski Club is hosting a 2-day clinic with Seth Stisher this weekend, May 21-22. We have a few open slots - pm me or hit our website if you are interested.
  19. I have run A1 since ZO came out. I started trying other settings again this fall and have settled on C2. Didn;t see this coming....but sure am happy with the change!
  20. You may want to upgrade to the 33.25 inch - it should allow you to cast out a bit further.
  21. Just bought the 2015 blue vapor over the D3, and have no regrets. I was running passes the first set. Easy to ride, responsive and fast. Whatever you decide, you can sell it pretty easy if you don't like it.
  22. The Collierville Ski Club is sponsoring a clinic with Seth Stisher On Saturday and Sunday, May 16-17. The site is a private lake with a CC 200. We have some slots still available. PM me if you are interested in a set or two.
  23. @Jody_Seal Thanks for the info on the new masterline process. In past years I have stretched new ropes to avoid the bungee effect on the water. This year's ropes did not need much stretching - good to know the reason behind it. The new masterlines are very nice...worth the money so far. We change out ropes every season for safety reasons. Do they really get to a point of no elasticity? I have never noticed - too busy yanking and cranking I guess!
  24. I ski with a handle guard. Just wish it helped my stack. I ski with a helmet. Warmer, more comfortable, no more pulling pine boughs out of my hat.... I see my dermatologist once a year. Why? I wanna ski again tomorrow!!
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