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Everything posted by I5boi

  1. @Live2ski‌ so if I do the bad things you describe; will that cause slack in the rope?
  2. Ok. So now I'm confused. Looks like I need to demo both then do head to head with the winner and a vapor. Don't we have it good when our hard decisions in life revolve around a waterski?
  3. @Chris Taylor‌ I have 69" senate 2013 non c version with xl boots if you are interested. I need a 67". I like the senate and will replace mine with a shorter senate.
  4. @disland‌ what camera mount are you using and what is the source?
  5. Thanks @ jimbrake that is the first time I have read it described like that. You must have watched that video a lot. To me it seems like it allows the ski and body to release and settle into a nice controlled turn compared to some other theories. I will try and practice tomorrow.
  6. @Joel Feder‌ keep your current ski for right now and then add a higher performance ski when the time is right. I have a 2013 69 senate and like it but will be only using it from march to May then switch to something else once I'm skiing stronger (maybe a vapor)? I guess it is past may already so I'd better hurry or I'll wait till next year. You can never have too many sticks to choose from.
  7. When is the formal CP review? Inquiring minds want to know...
  8. @LeonL‌ what year was the CP you speak of?
  9. Thanks @wrecknprogress‌ I guess any patio cushion would work too...
  10. The old dynastar dampers would eventually fall out. I could never tell a difference with them in versus out. However; I always felt aerodynamically faster when there was a hole in the tip.
  11. Another nice unboxing video by @Horton‌ with Father's Day coming up, I need to choose between the regular iPhone 5 and shock tube version. Anyone have any experience with both versions? I don't use a shock tube but could if video results dictated. Maybe I should just ask for a new CP?
  12. @dtm8119‌ the back seats are an option (one that I am considering for when we do an evening cruise). I have not been able to locate any pictures. From the description I have been told, it may be similar to the PS??
  13. I will do some research. Email or PM with open Saturdays. I know you have gloves but they are too small. Ha
  14. Is it better to fly into lax? There are no good flights into bako? Do you have a ski I can borrow?
  15. @Horton‌ is that a 14 CP behind you?
  16. I5boi


    @501Brandon‌ my 2013 senate was not setup with the factory settings like I was told. YMMV.
  17. Welcome @Casey Folson‌ where are you? Hopefully you are not looking at the 200 I am going to see tomorrow... So by the quick several responses, 1 in 7 200's is the one you want. I'm still patiently awaiting the formal CP review from @Horton‌. Hopefully it happens soon!!
  18. I wasn't able to locate this anywhere but it appears that the front set screw is for length, the middle is for depth and the rear is for DFT and combinations for diagonal. I'm not making any changes yet, just wanted to get to the factory setup which I was told it would be when I purchased it but it was not so. Thanks for all your input. Much appreciated!!
  19. Good stuff. But I'd like to find a better explanation for the two (2) top setting screws and how to use them appropriately.
  20. Research shows to use two (2) at a time. Looks like 7, 8, & 9.
  21. Thanks @scotchipman‌ Would I ever really need the full 7 piece set? I think I need to find a good source on wing set-ups.
  22. Sorry @Horton‌ your reviews are just so entertaining and informative. It's not like you have anything else to do (new house, boat, baby, work, etc). You will post the CP review when it is ready.
  23. Hurry up with the CP review!! Please include changes for your year. Did you get heated seats? How do they perform?
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