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Everything posted by mike_mapple

  1. Guys/Girls, Please email or call the shop to get the code, I have had a few in the past days that are just putting it in the comments, which the staff does not have the ability to alter the amount that you have already pre authorized when placing the order.(other than myself or the floor manager) Also, this helps to verify for discount, as I want to make sure it is someone who contributes to the site, not just creates an account to get the discount. I love having new customers, but Ball of Spray, and all of you guys do a great job supporting us, so we want to give back, however If I am not in the shop, or they just print the orders, the discounts do not get applied. I change the code regularly, and what all it does effect. So please, if you are shopping on the website (new site coming soon) and you want to use your discount, email me, either at the sales@perfski.com or my personal one if it is after 5pm EST as well at Mike@perfski.com Sorry for seeming like a rant, but since we are running such a small staff right now, I am doing my best to make sure you guys are taken care of, and your discounts do get applied, so I am not having to do refunds for them. ********Just an update on this for you guys, after speaking with Bill we are still offering this, however we want to make sure it is someone who contributes or has been a member for at least 3 months on the site, I have had a few people who signed up then immediately asked for the discount. If you are new (less than 3 months) still feel free to email me, just include your BOS username please, This will be case by case for these instances. Again, thank you all for your support!
  2. I did some fin testing with a lot of different things, cutting grooves being one, and I have to say I didnt use them but my dad and a few other skiers tried some for me, will be interesting to see what you think! let me know and we can compare notes!
  3. way to show how to fall and what to do with your legs in the RTP adam! That being said, way to send it for the extra bit!
  4. @S1Pitts where did you order from that still has not gotten it to you? I know we do have the 2021 Omega max in stock right now, 1 left.
  5. The butler chain has two courses on it, IDK who maintains them now, but I can tell you as a 10 year old it was me who got to put it in, and replace buoys with milk jugs when we didnt have spares, last I heard both are in great shape though. If you are going to drop into the butler chain the keens point ramp is going to be your best option, from the ramp head to lake tibet the first course is the far side from the canal you will go through.
  6. you need to probably trim the rubber. I dont know if anyone has the video, as I deleted my channel on Youtube that had my dad showing how he trimmed / fit his toe plate. how far up on your foot is the top of it? If you want to message me, I can find pictures of mine, and my dads which I still have to give you a reference.
  7. As much as I would say give me a call and let me sell you a ski, for improvement, going to a ski school will be 100x better. But.......if you do come to a school in Orlando stop in and see us!
  8. In my almost 30 years of skiing/being on the lake we never had a spare prop in our boats...until about 10 years ago. I was home from college with a few guys from the Basketball team and we were out in our 210 we had at the time...surfing normal, boat lurched, when I checked no prop...For our ski boats, never in the boat, but always on the dock we had 1-2 spares ready to go!
  9. Hey @ral sorry just saw your post, you can email me, or call the shop and let them know, they will do it via phone, or I can email you/PM you the code, It changes quite often but just let me know and I can get you taken care of! Also thanks for the kind words guys! We always love it when our customers from online make it into the shop!~
  10. You should have to qualify for Nationals, if anyone can go its not a special event. I think if you get rid of Regional, you need to have some other type of events you should have to go to in order to qualify. If not it takes away from those who do work hard in order to get to Nationals, and if its just an event anyone can enter, it takes away from the winners, and the hard work they put in to get there. however....as someone who typically is at nationals to make sales, I want everyone to come!
  11. Hey @bananaron Thanks for leaving the review! Not sure who you talked to but glad they were able to get you squared away! Enjoy the new rope!
  12. 15 off is good to learn, it will teach rope control.
  13. 4 passes to get your max score, or one fall/incomplete pass...For instance I could not go off the dock and get 1 @43 that would score me at 1@32 ect...So if you wanted to run into 43, you would ideally have to complete a 41. Most if not all the top pros can go off the dock at 35/38 and be ok, or it would be reason to start at 32 and opt up to 38 if you wanted. my .02
  14. My dad did it all the time, best way to learn real rope control, he used to get pros to free ski or ski the course at true long line, best way to see if someone really could control the rope or not. Any time it was white capping growing up I drove him, down and back our lake (Lake Tibet on the butler chain) normally 15 off, just because his rope didn't go to full length.
  15. Thanks Guys, Running around the shop and havnt been on the new site Im getting 1-2 min sat at my desk until the afternoon staff gets in. @Than_Bogan I will look back on your question after this weekend to see who all is in! But I do agree I would like to hear peoples thoughts on that.
  16. Does anyone have the list of everyone who has qualified for masters so far.
  17. @Horton My dad did similar to you, his typical day the last few years was 32,35,39,41 done, he rarely skied more than 4 passes. Some days we would go 38 off the dock, but that was only right before events, and they were always sloppy by his standards. I asked him why he did that, and he told me he wanted to be prepared incase he wanted to do it. But he was a big preacher on if you know you can do a pass easy, make it easier.
  18. @Fastguy888 from a shop standpoint, the Vector BOA is one of our best selling boots. The freemax, is more of an open water binding, a bit soft. HO does do the Stance 130 but I have not had a chance to really try one, I still use an older Xmax boot, but I cant be to picky with size 17 feet, just have to get what fits and make it work for me. I cant speak for other pros, but the reason my dad switched was not a safety issue. it was the control he got from his reflex. That being said with how the boots are made now I would assume you can get similar control from the Radar Vapor, as they are much stiffer than the RS-1 that was when he was still skiing / switching to hardshell full time. As for his rubber boots, he was always different in his as he had no foot bed in them, he liked to feel the ski under his foot, I know Will Asher used one of his skis once and was confused by it. But with Nate skiing on the T factor still, which is a rubber binding, but what I would consider a new style of it. But in short, I think the reason you dont see much high high end skiers on the vector, freemax/stance is that they are made to fit a range of feet, so you dont get as snug as a fit as you do with the other options. but that is my personal opinion.
  19. The real question, can I get a swan boat?
  20. The Omega Max would "compare" (and I use that word very very lightly) to the Senate pro more than the others, however they are different skis design wise. Both have been hard to keep in stock however as we are selling them as fast / faster than we can get them in stock, as everything at ports is backed up, and getting a container to ship in is backed up even further.
  21. Radar is a pretty great company to work with on retail, did you go through the shop that sold them to you, ive seen older boots handled with, as long as they are not beat up / crazy sun faded, as that is not a manufacturing problem. In 2020 they switched the material that is in the back, to a silicone base, I have not gotten any bad feedback since then. however if you like the Radar product but didnt like that part of the boot you could also look into the Pulse boot. They have picked up steam the past few months sales wise!
  22. got a 66 t3 and 64 t2 if anyone is looking..
  23. Id say 30's Granted as said in the post my dad skiied great well into his late 40s, however his biking was the best then, but he didnt do it in his 30s. I can tell you from growing up he was in his best shape ever in his 30s. He was just a freak overall so i dont really think he aged after he turned 35...
  24. Guys, opened up a box that has been in my closet for quite some time..not even sure if people are interested in them, but I will never ski it, and I have the original 1 in my personal collection, so if you want to talk about price, DM me (67)
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