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Chris Taylor

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Everything posted by Chris Taylor

  1. You can use drones, you just can't get paid for their use.
  2. From what this says you can't make money using a drone unless you have your commercial pilots license and follow FAA guidelines. online.wsj.com/articles/ntsb-rules-drones-are-aircraft-and-subject-to-faa-rules-1416326767?KEYWORDS=NTSB
  3. Now all I need is for the weather to get better so I can get behind the boat a couple more times this year.
  4. I am just recovering from this now, from what I have researched inside of the elbow is golfers elbow, and pain on the outside is tennis elbow. I looked up several different massages to do on the forearm muscles, take anti-inflammatory, and use a Band-it strap. However the best thing I just tried last week was acupuncture, they tested to see if I would respond by pressing around my knee ( I know crazy right) and within a few moments pain was gone and I was able to ski the next day with out any issues!!!
  5. @Brady Thanks, I have been working on just falling into my lean on the pull out but like you had, I have the old habit of wanting to push the back of the ski to turn.
  6. Ok I understand what you are saying, stood in my office and drove weight fwd. To bend my front knee I have to push fwd. So do I want to keep this position all the way across the wakes?
  7. @skiJay, Thank you. My stack was the first thing I wanted to work on. Now for position over the ski, Ok so use rear leg to drive weight over front foot........ Straight back leg?? Trying to picture this at my desk instead of on my ski right now.
  8. So does just bending the front knee bring you forward?
  9. Ok I know you guys love video but all I have to offer is a pic today. This is coming off my turn in, it looks like I am a little far back on the ski. How do I correct this? Also any suggestion on body position in general are appreciated.
  10. http://ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/11246/in-season-off-season-workouts Here is a thread I started about this and my off season workout, its a kick in the ass for sure !
  11. Here you go $120-$150 a pair rexmar.com/page237.html
  12. So running the course is all about strength? Well I have a 300# bench a 460# deadlift 380# squat 225# press yet I am not anywhere near 38 off!!
  13. So here is my workout for at least the first half of the off season, right now just doing these on days I don't get to ski. Monday Plank leg lifts 8x Elbow plank leg lifts 8x Plank leg lifts 8x Plank toe tuck 6x Tip toe in/out leg lifts 4x Plank single leg 4x Plank single leg 4x 4 sets x 45 sec Dead lift 200lbs Staggered stance row 45 lbs *1 min rest Medicine ball back squat Suspension strap mount climb *1 min rest Medicine ball wood chop Bent over rear fly Wednesday 1x10 reps Box jump 5# box jump Double jumps Single leg jumps 50 jumping jacks 40 crunches 40 squats 40 leg lifts 30 jumping jacks 20 bicycle crunches 20 squats 30 leg lifts Run 10 min Friday Barbell Arm Curls 3x12 Triceps extensions 3x12 Barbell Squats 3x10 Bench Press 3x10 Chin ups 3x10 Shoulder Press (seated dumbell) 2x12 Calf raises 2x20 Any suggestions on changes are always appreciated. What is your off season routine?
  14. @zenxteninc I would LOVE to get my hands out that to try out and work with!
  15. Those letters look great!!! Oh how I wish the comp would come back. I would trade in the wife to get a new comp!!!!
  16. So far I think Hanks idea is the best and most stable I have seen. Hoping to try it out! http://zenxteninc.com/wake.asp
  17. Here are the price sheets sent to me
  18. The GTR22's they have as promo boats now are ranging from 37k-45k, Revo are all above 50k if I remember correct.
  19. Hope someone has some insight on these boats
  20. Thanks, I was reading yesterday that for 15 and 22 off to pull past 2nd wake so that I am very early and wide. However by doing that wouldn't I struggle to break that habit once I start into 28?
  21. Ok since this is a good example of what not to do!!! Can someone give me suggestions on my wake crossing and errors in body position so I maintain edge through the wake.
  22. Looking forward to seeing more of this boat.
  23. I am really enjoying my 69 Radar Theory, I am 6' 250lbs. Double Vector bindings, ski 30-34mph. It is very easy to get up on, and what they previously said at times I am almost sitting on the back of my ski to get a easy plane.
  24. Its been almost 8 yrs since I skied last, however I thought I would share and get some critique from the begining before I start getting back into the course hopefully next week. Open water skiing 30mph @15 off. vid1293.photobucket.com/albums/b599/cjtpilot/video/IMG_1975_zps0c908c6d.mp4
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