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Everything posted by Tdub

  1. Thanks for the quick response. I am sure I need to mess with the fin. I guess I need to get serious with that. I will post a video tomorrow. Thanks @alex38, @Steven Haines, and @gregy. I love all aspects of the sport, just getting a little frustrated. By the way, this forum has got the stoke going for me again. Thanks to all.
  2. Okay, I have been skiing the course for over twenty five years and have never really progressed as much as I probably should have. I am getting older now and have become more frustrated this year than ever. Can you guys just give me one tip to help this situation. I am left foot forward, 32mph, and rarely run 28. PB is 3-1/2 32. I break at the waist so badly, I can read the small type on 2 and 4 ball. I ski on a 67" D-3 Nomad and will most likely purchase either a Helix or Quest soon. One tip for the cause, please. Cheers. Tom
  3. Tdub

    Boat "funk"

    Love the Downy idea as well. My carpet looks so good...under the bow. I will give it a try.
  4. It seemed like a good idea to switch to classic a few weeks back. The pull seemed easier and the boat didn't seem to run as erratic in classic. We do have a relative short setup so I thought I would give it try. But ever since I changed to classic, I have been in a bit of a slump. I am always accused by by sons that I should stop experimenting with PP. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  5. My 2004 Nautique is aging quite well but the vinyl is looking a bit off white. Any thoughts on the best way to bring it back to white? Thanks, Tom
  6. A heat wave would be great. No more north winds please.
  7. @AJskier you are hilarious. I have just elected you to put the balls in next spring.
  8. Early August and the water is chilly? Should be in the mid-80's by now. Quite possibly the worst summer since we started our club twelve years ago. This weather just sucks. North wind again. There, I am done. Had to get it out of my system.
  9. Tdub

    87 or 89 octane?

    There you have it. 87 octane it is. Thanks to all. Now all we need is some summertime heat here in Ohio. Not the best summer at all. What ever happened to "Hot Summer Nights?" I 'm talking about the weather not the show.
  10. I have had my 2004 Nautique 196 for 10 years and just noticed that 89 octane is recommended. I have been putting 87 in it since day one. Can't tell you why, I think my dealer said 87 was ok. I have had no problems at all with this boat. The engine is the 330 HP. Should I start using 89? Or not worry about it? Hell, I have never even changed the plugs and it had 700 hours on it.
  11. Thanks @skiboyny. That's what I wanted to hear. Now if summer would return here in northern Ohio.
  12. I think Gary at PP is correct and I may have misunderstood. In Classic mode, I wasn't changing the baselines, only adding or subtracting RPM for that particular pass. I don't think that changes the baseline, correct?
  13. Just spoke to Gary at Perfect Pass. By the way, their customer support is fantastic. Great company. I asked Gary if tweaking the baselines in Classic mode affects the baselines in GPS mode. They do not. Both are independent.
  14. I have a 2004 Ski Nautique. Mechanical linkage.
  15. @OB I am just trying to learn the system. If the times are good why would PP be cheating in Classic mode? Thanks, Tom
  16. @escmanaze I assume it is because I mapped the course when I installed Stargazer. Beeps at every buoy. I am just trying to learn the system and how it works.
  17. I just tried classic mode and I skied much better. I am an older skier and will take any help I can get. With Classic mode I wasn't feeling the "surge" we get in GPS mode. So here are a few questions, I really appreciate the help I get from this forum. 1. If I tweak the baseline in Classic mode, will that affect the baseline in GPS mode? I was prompted to up the RPM's a bit. 2. I was getting a beep at every ball. I assume that is because I mapped it in GPS mode. Without magnets that surprised me. 3. When I drive in GPS mode, I can really feel the boat making up time. In classic mode all seems steady. As a skier I was not feeling the hits. 4. Can I see each ball time in classic? 5. Last but not least. Since we are not skiing in a tournament, why use GPS mode? Classic seems so much smoother. Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this. I really appreciate it. Best. Tom
  18. Took the wing of last night and got 3@28 at 32mph. Best this season. I am going wingless the rest of the season. It really seemed to help my off-side turn.
  19. Great link. Thanks. Taking the wing off for the next few sessions. I will post the results. Cheers.
  20. I am sure this has been covered many, many times. But here we go. I am an average skier. 32 MPH. Once in a while I will run 28. Horrible bad side. I have tried without the wing but I always put it back on. Really can't tell much of a difference. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  21. Milan, near Sandusky, Ohio. We used to ski in the Back Bay (Sandusky Bay near Cedar Point. Then installed a course along Rt. 2 in Bay View between the bridges. For the last 12 years we have the good fortune of skiing in a borrow pit in Milan. "The Pond"
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