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Everything posted by OldboyII

  1. @mmosley899 could syndicate hardshell be mount on standard MOB plate or some extra hardware is needed? (except making a space for heel wedge) PS I know that MOB is released at OTF. My concern (after recovery & lost season) is to have a possibility to make release test (dryland or in the water) any time I want w/o torque wrench and test plate). In my humble opinion impossibility to do this is one of the obstacles for certain number of potential customers who are used to test everything by hand :smile: )
  2. The safest setup may be a hardboot with Silvreta at the back and MOB unit at the front of the boot. Similar to alpine bindings setup - two independent units. The one at the back - for falls with OTF component and the front one - for helicopter and falls on the back. Pure IMHO caused my helicopter fall resulted with fractured tibia and torn ACL in a popular hardshell with properly adjusted Silvreta. Currently skiing in Animal with loose laces and thinking about MOB.
  3. At perfski for $34 you can buy non lace overlay for Animal 2018 and try. If you don't like it - return back to laced version.
  4. I was a sort of disbalanced guy both in the fore aft and side to side - before start used either to fall on the side or sinking tip of the ski before pull. One simple advice changed this for good: one clever coach told me - "do nothing to prepare for start". Just lay relaxed on the back of the west. When rope is getting tighter say "Yes" to driver and only after this command pull front knee to the chest as close as abbs allow do this. Not before "Yes" but after, virtually at the first fraction of a second of pull from the boat. This timing do not give me a chance to go out of balance. Since that moment never missed a single start on any ski.
  5. I had similar "imperfections" on the tip of my XT. Couple of weeks later tip of the ski fell apart.
  6. @powbmps thank you for comment. Long John is a good idea for colder days. I currently use lycra first layer - easy in and easy out. Tried w/o first layer but it was very wet inside. By the way - is there any "Know How" how to zip/unzip it without help?
  7. Who are using Neo Fluid - do you put on first layer under or wear it just as a regular wetsuit?
  8. Budget solution : Why not attach to the tree or any other post Dummy Surveillance Camera which has blinking red/green LED, Aerials etc.? Something that looks serious and located intentionally visible. ))
  9. In one of the films about wild tigers, filmmakers used motion activated cameras with night vision option. Battery works for week or more, camera camouflaged and virtually invisible. Not a budget solution but having that movie it may be possible to give those bastards lessons with long lasting aftereffect.
  10. @Texas6 with vest on inside the baggy it is not easy as well. Once I fell into the water with zip fully open - that was next to impossible to climb back to the boat ))
  11. I cannot subscribe to idea that shorts could create any noticeable grag. Before was also thinking that way. But when I tried to create virtual model of how shorts behave during stars I found that there is nothing that may help shorts to hold parachute shape. Under water pressure it will either fold, or roll up on deform in any other way. Same like parachute without slings and weight below - it will be just another piece of cloth without any supportive effect.
  12. @Keith Menard how you put your vest? Under or on this drysuit? I received mine yesterday and and seems to me both ways are pretty awkwards. Or. Maybe it has enough flotation to be used w/o west?
  13. Why Reflex and others use only one part of original Silvereta bindings which had sideways release for rotation falls?
  14. @markn in four eyes. It was just a matter of accident. I bought it from the guy who got it from farther and was surprised that the car does not have a power cluthc and could not manage clutch pedal with dozen+ kilos of force needed every time to shift gear. The price was 1/3 of new MC boat. It is normal aspiration in turbo body. 1720 pieces produced. Collectible item. Pure luck )))
  15. @markn @kurt Share your passion to small'n'fast. This is my little midnightblue 993 4s - last air cooled in family (
  16. Peeing in is a good way to reduce extra buoyancy after farting in.
  17. @dchristman sounds very logical: one ski - one wheel )
  18. I am equally mediocre sportsman in any sport I do: Alpine ski, MTB, Tennis, Snowshoes, Mountain walking, Gym workouts etc. as well as Water ski. Even thoughts about taking part in any serious competition event makes me sick :)
  19. @Zman rtp user, but when water gets scalding cold I change rtp to rear boot with your setup. Releases easy - same like rtp. @Orlando76 wishing you catch up next season. After I broke leg last year I also become more cautious choosing bindings and binding setup. And... any system may be safe or unsafe, it only depends on your understanding how it works and how do you use it.
  20. I like the idea of shorter ski with the same riding properties - not much space in my car ))
  21. Do not give in! Keep on trying!
  22. Why not to try make few jumps from wakeboard kicker with cable park skis? With front fin removed. Just to understand how it is.
  23. @skialex wires could go from the boat via rope. Contacts could be handle-gloves connectors. After opening run ice will melt. After few sets grass on the shore will go green )
  24. @aspski Capacity of indoor ski tube is thousands of people per day. There are hundreds of skiers in the tube simultaneously (ratio of skiing down/going up is about 1:10) Capacity of indoor lake max 5 skiers per hour equal 50 pers per day. probably this is an answer. Pure economics (Kapitalizm!) ))
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