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Everything posted by OldboyII

  1. Autopilot technologies are developing so fast. Probably we will see this kind of tugs in the near future.
  2. I buy premium in order to get regular quality. If I buy regular I get a crap. Local specifics...
  3. When trying & comparing skis do not forget to have bindings in factory recommended position on all of them.
  4. Yes, I do the same with friends. Sometimes it is amazing how little help is needed to get them out of the water. Even on one ski.
  5. @Gloersen thanks! You reminded about my experiments with heel cup. Will go to find it in the garage ))
  6. The exact name of model is: Syn EXO PRO High PR-9 ...
  7. After hard rotating crash with torn ACL and broken tib I became (probably more than needed) concerned with safety of the bindings. Skiing now in Animals w/o laces and thinking about new bindings. I have offer for HO EXO, my size, complete system, not used - for about $200. What could be ballers advises? What are Pro and Contra? Pro: Two feet in - less rotating load on the knee. -Alpinelike release unit - looks reliable & predictable. -Boots looks made very solidly -??? Contra: -??? -No spare parts (the most probably) - could be an important issue...
  8. So much technology and money invested in ski boats, and so litle in safety systems of bindinds.
  9. Pls Do Not Fold. Two layers of latex around your neck making not double pressure. It is roughly about 3-4 times stronger because second layer is around your "neck size + first layer". Not to say that contact area becomes narrower - it is adding more Kg to sq.Cm This setup may restrict blood circulation to critical level. No kidding - it may kill you.
  10. I had a couple hard crashes in bindings with silvretta release and all was Ok. But in the middle of last season in relatively simple situation something went wrong - I had a soft fall but with "helicopter" component. Ski did not go off. Result - broken tibia and torn ligaments. May be very-very rare situation, but it happened. Dry land release test before set was ok, even softer than recommended. Recovered well and this season ski again using a custom knee brace. May be will be back to hardshell, but only when it will have independent active release units both on the heel and toe - like alpine bindings. Not necessary that complicated but independent & active.
  11. I ski on CX and sometimes feel like to have one more ski for more relaxed skiing. In order to compare skis is it possible to know width of Omni under front boot and at the tail?
  12. It may be interesting to question freshman slalom students who succesfuly finished first season - which tips were more useful and which not. Teachers may hear a lot of interesting stuff )))
  13. Received invitation for visiting friends in Malta, unfortunately they are not people to ask about skiing )) Does anyone knows if there is a place for skiing in Malta? Not necessary slalom, just for warming up to open season. Thanks!
  14. I started this alpine skiing season 18 lbs less than finished previous one. Performance, endurance, feeling - all components are on the much higher level. Strength is same as used to be. I am not sure if I can ever get that stronger to reach the same result with old weight.
  15. I always use "cold feet excuse" to run away from hectic company to the nearest chalet for drink or two :D
  16. @Chef23 I also have cold feet. I have noticed that the warmest boot is not the boot with warm liner etc.. For me the warmest boot is the boot with toebox which allows to move fingers (at least to have a little freedom to move). For years I have changed more than a dozen (if not two) boots and liners. And paradoxically, the warmest were very narrow sport boots with thin liners. Current boot is 95mm wide whereas my foot is 101mm wide. Paradox. In the lift up I unbuckle 2nd from below and move toe fingers. It helps. When temp goes colder, below minus 10-15C I use heated socks (Lenz, with bluetooth feature - very comfy) in order to use same insoles. Also people say that neo BootGlove is a good thing (though looks strange) Warm (thicker) liner requires more tightening and makes things even worse by constantly squeezing foot. Intuition is irritatingly hot in spring time. IMO - the most important is to find shell that fits anatomy of your foot, than experiment with liners. All manufacturers have their own so called "basic foot pattern". It is turned out that my foot is Atomic pattern, and 10 years in a row before I have tortured myself adjusting different Fischers. When you find your shell it makes a miracle. Hope it gives you another 2 cents of information. As you correctly noticed - it is more about circulation and it very much depends on map of your foot vessels.
  17. Getting lighter takes less time than getting stronger. And easier...
  18. @skialex thanks, I posted above that I got drysuit Mystic Force. Liked it because it is not only protecting me from cold water, but it is heating me. Never felt so comfortable in wetsuit. All wetsuits I have are evaporating water from surface while skiing thus losing lot of heat energy. Wetsuit feels very good in the water but not as good when running 50+km per hour above water )) Although I think it is more connected to air temp, than water temp.
  19. No matter of water or snow for me fast ski = ski with less drag.
  20. Sous vide device is interesting thing to have.
  21. For achilles protection - HO/Edge/Reflex. For both achilles and knee - MOB. IMO
  22. My coach-driver jokes that he do not need to look in the mirror - pilon tells him everything about my skiing ))
  23. Winter is a good time to take care about the rest of the body. Not only skiing muscles groups.
  24. @customski Good point. After recent injury (half torn ACL and brocken tib) I also decided to move from RTP to rear boot (Vector w/o or loose upper laces). I think that this setup may reduce chances for flat rotation of front knee.
  25. Flex of the ski also changes in colder water. It may be two different animals at 7C and 27C.
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