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Everything posted by OldboyII

  1. I travel both with Tube and padded soft bag (50/50) depending on car transfer. If I share smaller one it is hard to find place for tube. So far so good. But I feel a little paranoid when travel with soft bag - always inspecting the ski and always suspect that there may be invisible cracks in the ski :/ One of my ski companions got Goode broken into two parts in soft padded bag. Holiday was lost.
  2. So... if Gopro will be on the pylon skier will look as small as the boat driver on the video? G-sensor gives an interesting info..
  3. ... when passing by trash bin you throw there training bag instead of bag with rubbish (which is in your left hand)
  4. Hmm never considered a "parachute effect" could be comparable/noticeable to forces during water start. Nevertheless, I have old-schools shorts made of really tough waterproof fabrics. Will give them a try today - just out of curiosity. Will report later )) UPDATE: Did two sets - first (just to make experiment as clean as possible) in swimming jammers. - second in the above mentioned shorts of heavy nylon fabrics (water hardly goes through). Did not notice any difference in resistance - I am sensitive for it because my hands are not very strong. But noticed another effect of that shorts - they make water streams (or water channels) inside itself. If knees are not close - water hits... guess where )) If knees are tight together - water goes up through belt area under back of the west, then when Im up, water goes out from the west ... strange feeling... May be there could be some "parachute effect", but in fact this effect is a function of square which is resisting to movement. The little square added by shots is less than a fraction of percent comparing to sum of squares of ski, lower body, upper body, hands etc. - may be noticed only on psychological level.... IMO
  5. 1200 mg of L-Arginine in liquid form helped me is similar situation. In 15-20 minutes I was like new.
  6. I'm 15off and ski Senate. Surely this ski for me for forseable period of time. But from time to time I switch to Goode XT which immediately shows me my mistakes because it is less forgiving.
  7. One day copyright laws will not me allow go out to the street if there is some music from the windows.
  8. @firebird you are my role model for next 15 years!
  9. Good news! Do they have right/left specific insole as in older model?
  10. @Gloersen I got my the worst ever blisters with first edition blue/orange IO BOA - it looked apocalliptically, like deep to bones )))
  11. @skialex will pm you, though Im sure they do not have re-export option (sell only locally)
  12. HO Legendns with blue palm are amazingly grippy. I managed to catch three pairs of them 18Eu each on stock liquidation. Now calm as an elefant ))
  13. Glasses should be marked with safety standard - ANSI Z87.1 Normally it is stamped inside ear-hook. Optic part is mostly one piece construction so it will not come into eye orbit.
  14. The friend of mine, very good skier, is LFF. He holds left palm up, starts with the ski pointed right and with the rope on left side of ski. If I could ever ski like him I'll say I reached much more than I could count on. :)
  15. @mmosley899 how MOB behaves in the sea salty water? Does the sea makes any immediate or lasting effect on MOB release and does it need to be prepared for skiing in the sea waters? Thank you!
  16. @Jody_Seal Bravo! Example of global thinking )) Keep us updated when more elegant solution for ends of latex tube will be found. I will certainly use it, because it looks like smart release stystem :)
  17. In the summer Im replacing cardios with SUP - one hour of race style paddling. Cardio + balance training in one go. Im 59 and found that I do not feel like spend one hour for weight lifting any longer - now doing HIIT with free weights and kettelbells with 30-25 reps for 15-20 minutes a day. It does a magic for me. Ski approx 10-12 sets per week, though my skiing is surely not that energy demanding like short line skiing. Is here any who is after 70 and skiing regularly? How it feels?
  18. It is not a question to sportsmen, it is a question to manufacturers - recommend users not to compromise with safety for better performance. if sportsman does any modification, he/she does it on his own risk. Original Reflex construction does allow full arm swing.
  19. Have you thied to start on the traffic light behind a sity tram? If tram driver is in a good mood he may surprise you - the torque of its relatively weak electrical motor in such heavy machine is ehough to make you press gas pedal to floor. Surely internal combustion engines are closing to their limits due to simlpe phisical factors. Not good news for global employment market - much much less labour power will be needed to make cars/boats moving.
  20. I am a beginner to the course. Can digest only one technical element at one time. After coach see that Im doing this element acceptable he adds next one.
  21. @UWSkier Goode gloves for powerwest is probably what you a missing )) They work w/o west thought they are not that superstrong grip as ML or Radar. http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server3700/65d32/products/39/images/215/powergripglove001__19897.1322445526.1080.1080.jpg?c=2
  22. Clinchers are giving a chance to people with weak hands to be equal to people with strong hands. Same as Mr. Samuel Colt did.
  23. Clinchers allow me to pay more atention to techical details regardless ot hand fatigue. Although I have a feeling that I need go back to "normal" gloves from time to time just in order to feel more differences of load during different elements of pass.
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