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Everything posted by OldboyII

  1. For 1 bln you can buy a couple of dozens ski locations in the world best places, couple of decent jets with nice crew. And ski wherever you want in accordance to weather forecasts. Do not forget to leave open invitation for ballers which may want to join you. It will help you not to get bored and feel lonesome.
  2. As an option the system may be engaged by skier. For example. There might be a sensor which controls rope angle: skier pulls out and angle sensor triggers a system. Green light or beep goes on and this is a signal to go from pullout to first buoy through imagined gate.
  3. My setup for water till 5C Head - deep neo cap with lace in the lower rim (to make it tight below ears) Hands - thick kitchen gloves inside radar vice (thin latex are not efficient at that temperatures) Legs - I change Rubber front+Rtp to double Radar vectors with neo socks. Body - Dry baggy suit. The only problematic area is a face - but for devoted alpine skier this is not a big issue (and my wife likes pink color of my face after skiing) :D Question to guys who ski in baggy drysuit: No matter how I try to squeeze air out from inside, I feel enormously awkward during start because air comers to leg area and it makes so challenging to take normal starting position. Lower legs are like flotation devices :s How you guys handle this problem?
  4. In the barely possible event that I'll have my own boat, I will buy this course simulator with no prior thinking.
  5. Camaro shorty base layer helps a lot. Makes any wetsuit much warmer and prevents water from direct contact to skin.
  6. @LOTW front unit (same as in OB4 or MOB or Stealth etc.) for release in case of twisting fall with no otf component. Some skiers who experienced such fall are switching to MOB after recovery. So will I next season.
  7. I wish Reflex would replace toe loop by 2nd release unit. At least as an option. But for years progress replaced by marketing.
  8. Understand! Such advanced skiers do not need virtual course ... But there still a chance to get shot - if skier falls, boat returns to pick him(her) firing from both boards )) The physical emergency switch is needed - kind of "Red Button" Hmm... Although if skier falls shooting him may be used as "punishment" or "negative reinforcement" - according to behavioristic theory ... LOL
  9. Is there a foolproof protection in order not to shoot awkward skier into the head?
  10. The word "Spray" does not have exactly corresponding Russian word. Phrases with "spray" are translated to Russian language with many different words depending on context. Normally in modern Russian language "spray" is translated as....... "spray" ;) Same like English version of Russian "Sputnik"
  11. IMO. Goggles after start will be full with water which will stay in till the end of the course. Same to glasses for kite.
  12. Jobe Hemi lifted up more beginners than all the rest together.
  13. Flattening HO/Edge boot is not the most clever idea in the world. Because interface on the plate is serving for this exact purpose ;)
  14. @Joeprunc Thank you for comprehensive survey! @skialex Neo Dry looks like very nice blend of two worlds. I am somewhere in between XL and L (closer to XL) depending on maker. What do you think which size to go for? Is there enough space for thin vest? And.... normally I wear XL Oneil...
  15. Drysuit is nice, I use it when it gets really cold. Looking for an option when Camaro in not enough and Dry is too early )
  16. @Joeprunc what "internal seamless flap behind the zipper" you mean? Regular type flap under the zip or something else? I found the additional layer behind back zip which totally isolates zip from the skin and let water go out (not in) only in the suit mentioned in starting post. I do not have much info so will be thankful to hear more options.
  17. Need an advise! Choosing between wetsuit with double back like BILLABONG INTR. 5X4 BZ LS FULL which has a very logical protection from water that goes in via zip. And one of suites with front zip and upper entry. Any advises or ideas appreciated! Thanks!
  18. @DaveD Velcro is a "hooks and loops". The part which wears out is "loops". Normally "hooks" are on wrist of the glove and "loops" are on the strap (because it is softer than "hooks". Any workshop or shoe repair shop will replace this part of velcro on the glove strap within minutes. And your glove will be like new. Or.... DIY ))
  19. Find a good coach. Not the one who tells you - you are doing this element wrong. But the one who says - next pass please do this element better than now.
  20. My fastest progress was/is on Senate (graphite). Amazingly easy turning, easy riding on and forgiving ski. I have a few modern skis but Senate for me is the best. (I am intermediate level)
  21. @DangerBoy I feel that Revenge is a bit tighter than Slasher of the same size. It may be because of thicker foam padding in lumbar area or may be just because another year of production. But for sure Revenge has more tolerance for size because two things: 1st - inside belt strap 2nd - zip is not attached to vest directly but via neoprene "wing" which is stretchy enough.
  22. Makers produce bi-ski to ski on both and they produce mono ski to ski on one. The rest is our fantasies. Same as a hammer - I use it as a "press papier" although normally it is made to hammer a nail ;)
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