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Everything posted by adkh2oskier

  1. Lake was 55 yesterday, skied in big chop w 50 degree air, even though it made the 100 rule it wasn't a whole lot of fun. Pulled the boat, 10 day looks bleak. Time to winterize before the lows in the low 20s Wed & Thurs with snow.
  2. Congrats to Chelsea, I saw her ski at Pecks Pond this season(Erin Peckhams home site) and was really impressed. Ran 38 and made it look easy. Also big Congrats to Erin Peckham, looks like she has notches ANOTHER PB w 5@35 way to go.
  3. Yesterday pm water was 66, down 12 degrees in a week. Mornings in the mid 30's are taking its toll. Daytime highs that don't make 60 are not helping either.
  4. @cruznski, 78 at the dock yesterday at 7pm. Unheard of that warm this time of year in the Adirondacks.
  5. @jercrane . Thought that might happen. had a neighbors dog fall through thin ice a few years back, he wouldn't go out on the ice after that, even with owners on X-Country skiis calling him.
  6. Glad the pup is ok, now let us know nest time you take him out in the boat if he gets right back up on his perch or not.
  7. It is an 09 with ZO less than 500hrs and really in mint condition.
  8. Just shy of 80 here in the central Adirondacks. Record warm water temps, 80 or above since the end of June, unheard of to stay this warm for that length of time up here.
  9. Fortunately for me you weren't looking in early June, you missed a nice on close by, Pat M sold me his.
  10. You might be M6 when you go to check the running order and realize you are the oldest skier in the tournament and/or you are the only one in your class.
  11. If you suffer strange injuries while skiing(or other activities) without falling or doing anything wrong, ex. Hip muscle pull? Back goes out while tying shoes.
  12. Wouldn't you need a code to start it if has the touchpad? But I guess someone would be able to figure out how to get around that eventually.
  13. Not very close but there is a ski lake in El Jebel between Glenwood Springs and Aspen. Probably about 75 miles from Vail. You can see the lake on Google earth, not sure who the contact would be though.
  14. I am a little biased since I just bought this boat but I think it is the perfect look of simple graphics and a great color combo.
  15. Hi Pat, Glad to see you didn't have to go to long without a boat. Looks really nice. Putting your old one to good use and my wife really likes it. Hope to run into you somewhere this summer.
  16. Pangaea is a great site, 2 lakes, 5 soccer fields/ WiFi, Sleeping cabins, Rope swing and it is only about 30 miles(45 minutes) from Cooperstown. Can't go wrong. George & Trish are the best.
  17. Definitely May this year. 4"s new snow am. Ice still hanging on.
  18. Saturday 4-21-18 am. Well at least snow ski season is still going for another week or so.
  19. Still snowing here in the Adirondacks, lake is still 90% frozen. Going for a Cross Country ski after work again today. Oh well, good way to keep the Cardio conditioning going before H2O ski season starts. Might even break 40 degrees by Saturday. One more weekend of lift served snow skiing at Whiteface, might even actually resemble spring skiing, pond skimming Saturday am assuming they can break the ice cover off first.
  20. Any day now, NOT. 12 degrees this am and still watching ATVs driving on the lake to go ice fishing
  21. @cruznski Plenty of ice, at least a foot. Temp might actually break the freezing mark today for the first time in weeks. Feels like spring right now, up to 22(above zero).
  22. Really low # of sets and rides for a number of non ski related issues. Only 3 tournament sets, 19 practice sets and 36 Free ski rides up and down the lake. Down about one third from my usual seasons. Hopefully better next year. Got lots of October skiing in which is unusual though.
  23. Almost looks like they are pulling him w a helicopter except the angle of the rope is too low for that. Whatever it is, it's got a lot of power to pull him at those speeds.
  24. Last ski of the season 10/22/17 and have skied regularly all month, pretty late for Adirondacks. Pulled the boat after skiing yesterday, air 73 water 58 no problem, just a shorty suit. (Last yr same date it snowed 3"s). October has been really nice, makes up for a lot we missed in the cool wet summer months. Days are just too short now. Snow ski season should be starting in a month or so, on to the next skiing obsession.
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