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Everything posted by hemlock

  1. Contact the Vancouver waterski association, they might be able to give you some info.
  2. This is why I've loved slalom for so long. How far can I go? There's always another buoy to make. My PB is 2 @ 32 off. My goal this year is to run 6 @ 28 off. (easy) :)
  3. After watching the first few video minutes... all I can think about is how my dock is going to get destroyed if this boat ever comes to my lake.
  4. Got a chance to try some drills today. Will do more again this week. @Wish I really liked the drill of holding the stack and staying outside the buoy line at 28 off. This to me will make a great warm up at the start of each day! (normally, I would start at 15 off and then go to 22, I think now I'll run this drill twice(once per side) and then start my set at 22 off) @6balls I tried the tip you gave and found it useful. You realize you don't have to "pull harder" to make it, just trust the stack and the position will get you there. I tried one pass today at 28 off and the first few buoys are easy... meaning I'm waiting for them, but still messed up the pass. That's okay though, I'm going to flip back and forth from 22 and 28 to practice my stack where I hope to lose the "bad" position less and less, set after set. Here's a pass at 22 off. As you can see, I'm still getting bent forward and will again try to correct the position even more. Feedback is most welcome!
  5. Going to try some of these drills and tips on the water tomorrow. Thanks. One question I keep thinking about also is what do you "look at" when you turn in for the gate, are almost at the gate, and going through the gate? I get it that once through the gate you should be focusing on ball 1, and I've been practicing looking down course as I finish my buoy turns. (The idea here is to look down course which forces my shoulders to square up more and get my hips in front of my shoulders) But for the gate what to look at? In the past, I've always looked at the gate, you know...to make sure I go through them, and I think that contributes to me bending over.
  6. @wish Thanks, I will try those drills, and see if I can dust of the camera for some vid.
  7. I'm working on getting into 32 off. 15' and 22' are easy passes. 28' is hit and miss. I know my main problem is body alignment, stack, and I'm working on that. I ski at 34mph. Where do I practice so that 28' off becomes my easy pass, and so I can fix my body alignment? Run at 22' and 28' off at slower speeds? at 34mph? ...or perhaps I go back to 15' off and run at 30mph?
  8. wow! Sounds like nonsense to me, if you can motorboat on the water... you can ski on it. Good luck.
  9. @ALPJr +1 a bottle of scotch doesn't hurt either. :smiley:
  10. Are your buoys sunk a bit? Perhaps add more water.
  11. @PhilSymo I've been working on this technique of squaring shoulders and looking at the boat as I start my lean to cross the wakes. With this technique, what do you look at when you enter the course? I'll feel like I have no idea if I'm hitting the gates. Are you supposed to just time it, and look at the boat through the wakes and then once through look at ball 1 to start the pre turn?
  12. A picture Tshirt that says... "I worked on the fast and furious 8 movie set"
  13. I'm not a mechanic (but an enthusiast mechanic), but it's hard to compare ski boat engines to car engines. We always run in one gear, which means to me the engine is always on the hot side. (which I think can be good for an engine) If you change your oil in the required intervals and run the proper gas the engine should last for thousands of hours. Also, the air that the engine takes in is way cleaner than you'll find on any road. I think with proper maintenance, tow boat engines will outlast anything else. :smiley:
  14. I think I messed something up. After each pass, my SG makes 3 beeps and then one long beep. What is this? Is this the skier time mode for tournament? Which I think would give a set amount of time for the skier to rest after each pass. I can't find any info on PP's website manual, and I need to hunt for my paper manual, but does this sound familiar to anyone? I remember a setting for this, but can't remember how to get to it. Or is something else wrong? Thanks!
  15. Congrats! I've always been a Malibu guy, but if I had a 2nd choice, Ski Centurion would be it!
  16. 2013 Nissan Titan Pro4x, 2003 Malibu Sunsetter LXI
  17. I used to spin as a youngster too. Now I like to drop, just to get that extra breather and rest for the next pass. Especially as you take line lengths off. The pass is getting tougher, and you are getting more tired. I want that extra rest for the tougher pass. It helps to have good equipment to get out of the hole too. Non dragging shorts and vest. Having said that, if I crash at ball 1, I will usually get up going out the way I just came from and spin. :)
  18. Is there a way to jump to unread comments in a thread? Seems if there is an older thread with several comments, I always have to start at the top and scroll down. Just wondering, thanks!
  19. +1 for the 50/50 bowl cleaner and peroxide. But it strips wax, so shine her up afterwards!
  20. I was the same as you a few years ago. Turned out I was getting out of the water incorrectly. I changed my take out by making sure I keep my arms straight, and I stay in a little ball (knees tucked to my chest) a lot longer before I stand up. It's saved my back! Maybe this will help. Oh, and don't forget to stretch your back before your set!
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