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Everything posted by gt2003

  1. WOW, just wow! Thanks for the slow mo @Dirt via @skidawg . You lose MS there for a second in the original video. PS - this is not too reassuring going into the course for the 1st time tomorrow evening...
  2. @klindy , Cabo lake in Hackett Arkansas. There is a youtube video that shows Seth Stisher there I believe.
  3. A while back, @Horton posted a video of an 80 plus year old woman skiing the course. I was surprised at how smooth her form was. I'm going to keep that in mind. She wasn't rushed at all. Hopefully with so much rope, I won't feel crazy rushed. It will be interesting just to get in the course, see the layout and then truly see what it takes to get the width etc that is needed to get it done. I will definitely laugh at myself. I don't expect to be good at all. It would be nice to turn one ball anyway! I'm just glad to have the chance to ski at least once before ski school. Video will be posted, good or not! I'm a little concerned I'll be tempted to muscle my way through it. I really don't want to get into anymore bad habits. I'm already having to break the ones that I developed from years of random freeskiing.
  4. You are on the right track. Find something that was made in the last 3-4 years and you should be fine. I went to the manufacturers websites and read about what the different skis were designed for. Then, I searched around for the best deal on the ones that I thought were best for my level. I ended up with a "blemished" Obrien Synchro for right around $200 new, bindings and all. I think I'm the only one on here that is on one because it's a wide ski and can be used in the course but it's definitely not rated as a top end ski. These folks are so far beyond my ability as a skier its not even funny. But, for getting my 210 lb butt out of the water it works fine and I can ski at the top of my ability on it for the time being. I bought a P6 too but haven't been on it yet. Let us know what you decide on and why. Welcome to the site.
  5. I'm going to ski school in less than 2 weeks. I was planning to ski a lot beforehand but have been land locked due to the massive amount of rain here. I was able to find a dedicated slalom lake in Hackett Arkansas (Cabo) about an hour from my house. I am going tomorrow night and will be taking a shot at the course. Any major thoughts besides have fun? Handle to hip, hips up etc. I'm not expecting too much but would at least like to get around 1 ball. I'll have the gf take video and will post for critique. One more ?, she is skiing on two and is at the point of needing to cross the wake. I don't know how to tell her to do it, I just do it. Any thoughts on what to tell her to do except kind of lean a little to the side where she is wanting to go? Thanks in advance
  6. Looks like its "nosprayatall.com" right now...
  7. @Horton needs entertainment in his down time, Come on!
  8. gt2003

    2015 Carbon Pro

    @skihard , what am I going to get to ski behind later this year?
  9. @jdarwin , where's that video???
  10. Stay away from the Overtons "Neo Skins". The neoprene is quite thin and blew out on 2 pair very quickly. I returned them and moved up to the HO sports Empire gloves which held up well last year and still have a lot of life left in them.
  11. And... Hope you are out ripping it up as we speak
  12. Had to revive the thread as I was searching for slalom lakes to ski in Oklahoma and found this on wakescout. Under "club requirements for participation", here is what it says (copied and pasted) Club requirements for participation: Tournament level skiers only, please. Damn, I wonder why participation levels may be declining. Is this attitude rampant? In the clubs defense, it did say at the top that the club "hosts waterkiing and slalom events for enthusiasts of any skill level.". However, being a total newbie, I was immediately turned off by the "club requirements for participaition". It surely wasn't a welcoming tone.
  13. @skibrain , I haven't even been in the course yet. I'm going to ski school in 3 weeks to start the course. I'm expecting once I experience a recent ski tug that I'm going to want to trade up to an inboard. However, since I do a lot of free skiing with friends, open bow is a must. I had just never heard of "precision pro" so I wanted to check.
  14. Should this be of any concern at all? I've never heard of these?? Precision Pro Speed Control and Electronic Throttle Control
  15. @foxriverat , I'm in Oklahoma. That Texas boat looks really nice. I'll get a value on it and see what they will do. That one is PURDY and not too far away. Thanks
  16. @6balls , 100% right! Any other info you know about it?
  17. Thanks @foxriverat , anyone know the Malibu in Mississippi? It's 600 miles closer and has 100 plus less hours. No tower but with the pylon and the wedge, don't care! http://jackson.craigslist.org/boa/5014805069.html
  18. Looks like it's a 13 hour drive from me but that thing looks SHARP! You got it @oldjeep , swim platform is mentioned in the description, my bad Is the perfect pass with a zbox a good option, considering I'll ski the course but no tourneys (probably)?
  19. It looks EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN! No swim platform, really?
  20. There is one in Texas for about the same price. We might go look at it after our "ski school" in 3 weeks. Dang, Minneapolis would be a 2 day trip each way. I'd like to find something closer but I'm not afraid to drive to get the right boat. I jumped into boat #1 too fast and although it's been a great boat, I had to fix up a lot of things to get it where I wanted it. I'd rather pay a little more up front to get something I can enjoy from day 1.
  21. There's a decent number of Malibu LXI's out there. Most seem to be asking more than NADA value but I'm not sure if that's feasible with what I've heard about the soft market for competition boats right now. I've got time so I'm just going to take it as it comes. Now that I'm looking closer, I believe I can find what I want for around $25,000. Time will tell. Don't think I won't post it here first and ask what you all think.
  22. Looks like it's most likely between a Malibu LXI and Mastercraft Prostar 197. I'll have the opportunity to ski behind both before I buy so I'm not making any promises at this point. @skihard , thanks for the phone call and skiing offer. I'll take you up on it before the summer ends.
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