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Everything posted by Web

  1. Work will be sending me to Jacksonville Florida for a few trips this summer and fall. Wondering if there are some ballers nearby with access to a course? I would love to catch a ride, LMK. I can offer a reciprocal of course. We ski the western finger lakes of New York, and a couple small ponds in the area. Skiing is great here… for the second and third weeks of July. Just kidding, we ski April through October with enough gear.
  2. Waterski Mag published an article this month about the virtues of a wing-less fin. I am considering removing mIne. Currently I have it set at a low angle, roughly 5 degrees. I like the idea of less drag and more width. Wondering if anyone has experienced less stability without the wing, and/or promotes the idea? The article suggests 28 off or more as a minimum for benefiting with a wing, and I am not there yet.
  3. I'll admit it, I'm a heel lifter. I keep both heels planted until second wakes and edge change, then lift up a bit. Helps me keep my knees flexing on edge change and then move forward at the ball. I run double boots, cinch the rear toe down well and leave the rear cuff loose. Gives me a solid toe hold and enough freedom on the heel, but also the security of the lateral support.
  4. It was nothing serious, just the fuel sender. The level intermittently would not read.
  5. I do all my own work unless warranty. I had to take my 2009 Ski Nautique in for warranty, so I brushed the carpet nap all one way before she went in, so I could track them.
  6. I'm sure you are right about wakes.... it seems exiting wakes and setting up for edge change is when I want more flex. I'll loosen that back up and pay some attention to it. Just don't want to over flex the rear ankle because heel is locked down. That hurt me last year.
  7. I am trying to stay connected and not stand up early. Seems I have to absorb more at wakes to keep low. So my back knee bends forward. With a little loss of mobility in the ankle over the years, it feels better to lift the heel.
  8. @Horton - I may be masking something else, but on wakes and edge change with my back knee dropping down, it seems I don't get the range of motion with my heel locked down. I've been working on stretches and strength this winter, but nervous about straining it again.
  9. I've skied double boots forever. Now I might just be getting old, but last season my rear ankle started to bother me when inflecting. I started to loosen the back boot so I could lift my heel more. I see Jason McClintock just switched over to RTP. Nate, Will, TGas, Mapple... all of them prefer RTP. I'm considering the switch, any other double-booters out there who have made the switch care to weigh in? Any that have tried it and went back to the rear boot instead? Thanks.
  10. I ride the Superlight X with speed steps.... Love the glide. Sad to see steps gone on the V-type. I was hoping to step up to an S2 at some point, now will have to find leftover or used. Anyone out there running S2 and switched over to V-type? Thoughts?
  11. We ski upstate new york finger lakes, mid April to mid November. Learned a lot of cold weather tricks over the years. Don't forget the light bulb for your engine box! BTW ski hacker and haker, not really sure what you mean by hacker class, but I know a bunch of guys running 32s, 35s and some 38s. Let's hear it for upstate!
  12. Thanks, looking forward to the spring. Lakes are frozen here, but ice-out is just around the corner...... ok maybe a bit further. We are making a Florida trip in March, can't be soon enough.
  13. Rodecon is just jealous because his PB is behind my Nautique and he owns a Malibu !!
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