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Everything posted by cruznski

  1. Ok so I do not know what you weigh. But in the scheme of things, where the leading edge of the fin is defines where the ski pivots. So yes move it forward. That location is probably more important than DFT. Figure that out.
  2. So much wish this was going to be streamed. Hot fun at BellAcqua
  3. This lake is near HWY 431 and 395, used to be a slalom lake but it looks as if there is no course in it anymore. Anyone have any information on it?
  4. cruznski

    D3 Ion

    We have 8 skiers who ski at our site now on the Ion out of about 25 active skiers. Pretty impressive. I love mine.
  5. You have done a remarkable job finding boats, they are selling at high premiums now out here in CA. Can you test drive them?
  6. Well it is over 100 degrees here and I am NOT at the Pond, so I am inside reading what y'all have to say or report, and maybe that beer thread right around now might have value after all.
  7. And too, if you go off the dock at longer line lengths, and you practice on on older rope you go to a tournament running new ropes and you will definitely notice the stretch (some say spongy) feeling of the new rope at say 15 off. It stretches a lot, maybe someone out there has measured it- I love when they have the strain gage (tension) reports in the tournament feeds so it would be interesting to know how much a new Masterline at 15 off stretches with 500 lbs of load ( which I do all the time... well maybe not).
  8. That is a very old rope even if it was not used, and @dave2ball explained your rope is meant to be connected to a switch that went on the pylon and was 18" long- it was to tell when the rope got loaded up to apply throttle on (I mean 2 decades ago) Perfect Pass. The material in ropes does not age well, I would discard it too.
  9. Actually I skiied on a Concept along time ago, and I always liked Connelly's. So Here's another Connelly story, I live in CA but have an family camp in the Adirondacks (on an island no less) and get out there every summer. Life long friend takes me skiing on his course he maintains on public water. So I keep a ski log and have done so for a long time, and I do not fly out with my current CA (not Connelly BTW) ski set up but pull an old Connelly F1 out that I keep back there (it is circa 20 years old) with decrepit bindings and guess what I ski that within a couple buoys of my CA ski. I am tending to save the money on a new ski ( some of the ones recommended are in $2000 range with bindings) and get some time on a course with the dough. And BTW you will need to be able to get through the wakes at longer line lengths. If you think an 86 Nautique has big wakes at 22 off try a new Ski Nautique (ok that was harsh).
  10. With Horton here, you want to pull out wide, as much as you can. So where you are you want to be outside (to the left of) the buoys line. And when you get out there you want to be there so you are still advancing a bit on the boat or neutral- line tension but NOT where it is pulling you back in. Think of the boat as your enabler- you will go out, glide bit and then roll in with tension.
  11. Having seen other forums disintegrate I think you are doing the right thing. However the beer thread may be open to sequester.
  12. In some ways you were lucky to find one these days. And are you team MC or Nautique?
  13. cruznski

    D3 Ion

    @Spencer_Shultz that is an impressive first set, curious as to your binding placement, where I think the D3 recommendation for the 67 is 30.00". I am on a 67" Red Ion too but I am way past the age of 36mph. I have skiied 7 sets on it and it inspires a lot of confidence for me, esp on offside.
  14. Very best wishes and prayers for recovery
  15. The first lake was done in '97. I think that winter there was a ton of rain and the excavator got stuck in the mud and sat there all winter. I have some pictures somewhere and will try to find them and post a few.
  16. It was more issues with Yolo Cty than Davis.
  17. So those lakes were developed by Davis Acqua LLC in the very late 90's and yes KLP was the lead on the project, I was a partner. The plan was to build 3 lakes in the long view, there was enough land to do so but we only got through 2. Those 2 were different depths. The first lake was a little larger than the 2nd. The site was chosen as the soil had really high clay content. When we excavated we were selling the soil to the landfill to seal it, which was only a few miles away. The concept was that would cover the cost of digging the lakes but that was not quite to be. I had the blueprints for the lakes but did not find them at first look today. It was quite an adventure, a number of circumstances, and then KLP went to FL to start Infinity boats with Rob Shirley.
  18. what a great site! It is good to hear of the creation of a new ski site. Congratulations on opening
  19. That is a really nice one!
  20. My ski partner has one of these with the LT-1 and it is a fabulous boat, He has Z-Box installed and has spent a lot of time dialing that in and it works very well. I think the LT-1 in this older hull is really great as it's not working hard and has the reserve needed to pull real well, more like the newer boats. also IMHO having the overpowered (for the day) LT-1 engine increases reliability as it is not working that hard. You have to maintain them and keep a spare impeller on board but I look foward to skiing it always. Some on our dock want to train on it and call it a cheater boat, as the wakes are non existent compared to a SN200. We run a wide range of skiers and it is just great to ski behind. They are light. Run the 4 blade prop. I would seriously consider it how much?
  21. The site I ski is a rarity, it is the only slalom course in the South Bay area. It is aligned with Santa Clara County Parks and will be closed while the Shelter In Place order is in effect. So I wll ski less and it may be a while til alternatives are figured out.
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