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Everything posted by FLeboeuf

  1. How different is the c75 compared to the c65?
  2. @Pgraf’s idea, as an investigator, to search for info on BOS is a great idea. He should also search for info on the other site if not already done. But that idea probably comes from the victim or victim’s family because I doubt an investigator that has numerous cases per year on athletes on various sports knew about BOS. Also if he had enough grounds to pursue this investigation and convict someone, he wouldn’t need the public. My guess is he doesn’t have much on Nate and he is simply closing all doors to his investigation. No one should offended by his post, he is doing his job period. I would not delete his post if I was Horton. I wouldn’t want to obstruct an investigation.
  3. @DangerBoy, it was crime but it at the same time a regulation under the small vessels act, for a long time, so cops had the choice of giving a ticket to a person or accusing that person of a crime. Now there is only one option..well 2 options because if you’re lucky they could let you go with a warning. :D
  4. @DangerBoy, yes @Killer pointed out the regulation. Article 1005 of the small vessels regulation, part of the Canada Shipping Act 2001. 250$ fine. https://www.laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-96-313/page-4.html
  5. @telko1 it was article 250 of the criminal code. Look it up on google, you will see that it has been repealed. The criminal code of Canada was revised this year including a major reform in the category of crimes related to driving motor vehicles/vessels etc.. driving without a spotter was in that category and is not there anymore. I could not find any article that replaces the infraction. I asked WSWC to confirm it.
  6. @mbabiash Thanks. I want to give that fin a try. I wonder also how it would work with the s-wing. Have you tried that?
  7. @96SNEFI have you suggested your idea to Transport Canada ?
  8. @aspski, that is hilarious!! A judge not aware of that article!!? Shows how stupid and useless it was to make it « criminal »!
  9. @mbabiash, can you tell how different it is from the cg fin?
  10. I just wrote to WSWC about this so they can confirm but it seems that driving with no spotter and after dark is no longer criminal! The article (250 criminal code of canada) is repealed and not replaced it seems. I can’t find any article about this. It is still an infraction under the canada shipping act 2001 but that would only be a ticket if you get caught. @96SNEFI you were right it seems!
  11. This might sound silly but how are the spark plugs? The plug wires? The plug wires could need a change.
  12. @SkiJay, I find the shape is somewhat similar to a surf board fin. Did you also get your inspiration from surfing ?
  13. Indoor rock climbing if you have access to that. That will strengthen your forearms big time and way more fun than the gym. There’s nothing like it to strengthen your grip and forearms, besides waterskiing of course! If you do, progress slowly because you could also injure your forearms and make it worse. I like bouldering, most indoor rockclimbing gyms have a bouldering section. It requires more brute strength than endurance and you don’t need someone to spot you because you fall on a thick matress from a max height of 15 feet. Its short but more intense routes to the top of the wall. I enjoy it very much and it works.
  14. Question: Is the Denali Ski CG fin thinner than the « other brands » CG fin? The old normal denali fin that is on my 2016 Denali is thinner than the cg fin I have right now and wondering if I should make a thinner fin fit on my Connelly for more speed. Anyhow I am in a 66 Connely GT 2018 with CG fin for other brands with a home made s wing and its Rocks! My setup for your info: FB: 28,625 L: 6,757 D:2.529 DFT: 0,729 Swing:8 deg
  15. @96SNEFI in Canada?!! isn't it only the 1 hour before and after sunset that was supposed to change?
  16. In the line of idea of @aspski, I have 2 slalom courses on a huge public waterway in Ontario and Quebec. I need both courses for me but I am also very happy to let others use it (very few maybe because of @andjules point) but it also exposes me to potential lawsuits. Maybe some kind of support/insurance from WSWC, appart from the towsmart insurance which requires a club or school, to those who offer their slalom courses to the public.
  17. @JoelHowley I got a 2018 GT and loving it! I will get a GTR next summer for sure but I am on a 66 with the GT.. should I still go 67 with a GTR? Does it sit much deeper im the water than the GT?
  18. Thanks @A_B. Thats what I thought. A larger bent wing is a drag! even at 6 deg. I use the same angles as you. Where can I get a medium wing or which brand makes those? I am pretty sure HO D3, Connelly and Goode use a larger wings than Denali. Radar?
  19. @adamhcaldwell, @adamcord, I was wondering what size wing do you use to make the S-Wings ? I think made a decent one from a big wing I had. I never realized that the normal fin you used before the S-Wing were medium size ones, at least smaller than a Goode or D3 and HO.
  20. @JoelHowley, in the same line of question as coach3, for me at 165, skiing at 36mph, a 66 or 67 ? The chart would suggest 67 but am 5 pounds over only and for most other ski companies for my weight, I usually need a 66. What do you suggest?
  21. I had to change my battery at the beginning of the season because it was too low to crank the starter, no Check engine light ever went on. Plus I am pretty sure the alternator has no sensors on it. I really don't think a low battery and even a faulty alternator would trigger a check engine light on. I have an Ex 343 PCM engine. A battery usually lasts maximum 5 years. A low battery, like a car, can probably affect whatever is electrical like the fuel pump, If a the check engine light goes on it will be because something else stopped working because of a low voltage.
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