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Everything posted by FLeboeuf

  1. I never tried the Reflex so cant compare, but I ve been on PS double boots for 3 years now with no issues at all. I love them. I was coming off of fogmans with wich I pulled my achilles tendon pretty bad once on an OTF. With my height and weight (6''1, 165 pounds) and with the standard amount of dual lock, they have always released exactly when needed and never when it wasnt time. I changed the dual lock once on the ski only. Plus the heel raise mechanism of the back foot has helped me preventing minor pulls of my achilles tendon and also helps if I need to put a little more weight on the front of the ski. I like the idea of having both feet releasing at the same time. Im pretty sure it saved my ankles a couple of time, but it has to release..
  2. Congrats! Cant wait to get on this ski!
  3. At about your age I started to feel low back pain while skiing. I couldnt ski more than 2 sets a day 2 days in a row. On the third day I could sometimes do one easy set but not always. Im 34 and for the last 2 years I can ski as much as my muscles can endure because my low back pain is gone. I started some myofascial release on my hip flexors muscles and in the low back area. I do it almost every day but always before a set. I dont now what you do for a living but if you sit all day a lot, your hip flexors are most likely very thight which pulls down the upper anterior part of you pelvis and creates a more pronounced arch in your low back and that can lead to injuries. Marcus Brown made a video about this a while ago in his "shop talk". In find releasing the muscles works better than stretching. I definitely agree with increasing core strength. It helps keep your spine straight under load. Good luck!
  4. It depends on how cold it can get. I'm from the area of Montreal, Qc and it gets in the minuses fahrenheit so just draining is very risky here. I did only drain a monsoon 325 a couple years ago following the procedure of some dealer on how to winterize that type of engine. Didnt put antifreeze as it was not recommended by that dealer and the following spring the circulating pump was cracked and leaking. There's always leftover water somewhere in the engine no matter how well you drain it so I think you should put antifreeze.
  5. JackQ, it might be too late to tell you this but you should also try unplugging the battery or turning the breaker off for about 5 minutes then replug or turn the breaker back on and start the boat immediately. My sn200 pucks sometimes fail when I leave the boat in the water with the bilge on for a while or simply if I forget to turn the breaker off but after doing this they always come back. Its been doing that since I bought the boat 3 years ago. Ive read on this site somewhere berore that the pucks need a lot of power at startup an for some reason the nautique lacks that bit of power to send to the pucks. I think its because the electrical system drains a bit of energy even when the boat is turned off or something..worth a try whatever boat you have.
  6. Stay lighter and focus on form for a while. then increase the weight slowly. between 8 and 10 reps 3 sets is what I do combined with with squats and barbell rows. Its enough for me. You dont want to get injured lifting too much weight and scap your season.
  7. Thats what have. The pipes holding the skier buoys will bend toward the bottom of the lake with gravity and sidways with wind or current throwing the dimensions off. Mine is in shallow enough water that the pipes are resting on the lake bed. I put concrete blocks on the pipes to hold it there so it doesnt move. If yours is in deep water you might want to install mini course buoys, halfway between the gates and the skier buoys to avoid the pipes to bend toward the bottom of the lake. Also ropes holding the pipes from bending on either side too. The whole course can bend too if there is a cross wind or current so make sur its in line with the current or the prevailing wind. You can attach anchors to the main line for that. Thats only if you want to be really serious about your skiing. You can still have lots of fun with an off course.
  8. All of that above but add stretching and releasing, before a set, with deep massages or what some specialists call "myofascial release" of these three hip flexor muscles: tensor fascia latae, illiacus and rectus femori. Look them up on google. It works extremely well for me though I have never blown any discs but have experienced low back pain to the point where I could not ski my easier passes and even skip days where the lake was glass.. I use a lacrosse ball and a foam roller to hit those muscles. Hip flexors are very important to loosen up especially if , like me, your jobs consists of sitting all day. The IT band is connected to the tensor fascia latae and good to release also. A tight IT band can make low back pain worse.
  9. @DanE in Canada you have to qualify too for the open class. It's 4 @ 38 off 36 to qualify. It might be near that for the US, maybe more..but here if you want to compete at 36 you can just enter in the mens category whatever age you are.
  10. Wow! Lets hope for those conditions on Saturday
  11. FLeboeuf


    @ktm300 I totally agree with you. I'll add that tight hip flexor muscles can be one of the main causes for low back pain too. It was in my case. I've experiened low back pain waterskiing every set until 2 years ago. I had a hard time doing two sets in one day, and could not go for more than 3 days in a row. I saw a chiro. She cracked my back with some technique and it did bring relief. I was able to do that technique on myself after ski sets and the pain diminished but immediately came back when I got back on my ski. I did some research and read that hip flexors can get really tight by sitting for long periods of time, which is my case because of my job. what I found is myofascial release techniques that I can do myself, to release and loosen those muscles up. Since I started doing those techniques before each set I've had no more pain. I' ve skied 5 days in a row 3 sets a day low back pain free. Other muscles were sore though but not my low back. Basically I use a lacrosse ball and a foam roller to put pressure and massage my hip flexors. Works extremely well for me. Stretching is good too but I find it doesn't loosen up my hip flexors enough compared to myofascial release.
  12. Francis 33, from summerstown Ontario. My wife, 15 months old daughter and I, live by the Lake St-Francis, which is actually the St-Lawrence river between Valleyfield QC and Cornwall ON (it's near Montreal). It's also where I ski. Got my wife waterskiing about 10 years ago and lucky me, she loves it now. She is also my driver I ski on a 2014 D3 Quest 67´´ and behind a 2011 200 ex343. I've been skiing since I was 6 and running the course since I was 14. I worked teaching waterskiing for about 5 Summers, two of which I worked for Pierre Plouffe in Mont Tremblant. I competed when I was younger until 2001 and then got into motocross and kiteboarding and other sports. I went back to slalom and restarted skiing more seriously 8 years ago because there is nothing more fun in my opinion. Restarted tournaments 3 years ago and my PB is 2 @ 38 36 mph. Looove this sport!!!
  13. Ferris and me too! I'm skiing on Saturday the 15th. I live 2h30 away from the site so I'll be skiing at home before the nationals. I know the site pretty well and I did two sets there about two weeks ago so I don't feel the need to drive there on Wednesday. Thanks for the offer.
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