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Everything posted by skimtb

  1. @rayn Seems most people are doing as you say. I’m just really really picky.... The new trailer has 3-4 sets of bunks (depending how you look at it) to accommodate to hull shape, so finding a setting for 1 set of bunks to “match” the trailer is not easy. Due to the fact many are not worrying about it and having no issues, it could be waste of effort / time.
  2. @Dacon62 Yes, that is what I meant by doubling up the bunks, but I think you need more than 1/4”, easy answer seems to be just adding a 2nd 2x6 on top. Maybe 1x6 deck board would work too, would have to re measure.
  3. I’ve not put boat on yet, but after a lot of measuring, I’m going @MichaelWiebe style and have the bunks set at 60” in back and 54” in front. The front is 2-3” higher than the rear (will depend on your bunk supports) The 60” rear matches the rear outer trailer bunks. I think There is another solution to double up the bunks at 34”, and have a “gap” on the top bunk approx 28” long for the funny lip on the bottom of the hull. This would clearly be more work....
  4. If ordering, Tower may be nice to have if you think you may want it. Comes off easy and would likely be trickier to add later.
  5. I’d be a solid maybe or better. Depends on the day... is course in a protected location?
  6. Fan is just for performance right? Can you shut it off (disconnect) if not needed. For example, moving enough to keep fresh air in thru air dams. Like on non tournament lake. Vs. short setups back and forth.
  7. Metal flake always good!
  8. @LoopSki Sweet, now I know where to stop by for a pull! Great idea BTW.
  9. Heat of some sort too. Which i assume is on track since you mention insulation. Lots of insulation in ceiling / roof. Wire for remote speakers. Maybe a set by the boat vs just in the man cave corner.
  10. @MichaelWiebe Thanks - that is a good data point. Likely what I’ll do first, just a bit nervous to have them so wide i guess, especially in the front. @Zman The prostar has a weird bottom, hard to see in pics. @Horton My lift is a freestanding type and I’m not sure about having the boat that far “back” on it vs sharing load front to back. The bunks are 12’ long, so it would be way back.... how long are your bunks?
  11. What is everyone doing? Typically you match the trailer, but not so easy with a two bunk lift... The lip on the bottom of the hull has me a bit nervous to mount to much pressure on it. Going outside of the lip seems too wide and not as stable? I’m debating adding 2x6 to top of bunks with big gap for the lip on bottom of hull. Overkill?
  12. Lots of light. Outlets every 4’. Agree to find way to hang everything while still in boat. Maybe a pivoting arm of some sort to hang jackets on etc. ski racks on wall reachable from boat too. I’d say don’t forget a stereo, but there is one in the boat I suppose.
  13. I have ‘94 LT1 w 975 hrs. Maintained very well since 2002, I think ok before that.... Runs as new. I can’t see it having issues for 1000 more hours if maintained. As above, it screams, not that it goes faster than 34mph very often. Also as above maintenance is key. 900 maintained hours is potentially better than 500 abused or neglected.
  14. @Dirt I don’t have considerable time behind or in one yet (hope to change that this summer), but I think they are awesome. Maybe my “pretty good” above should have been “great” or better. All I can see that would be nice is a dual fuel fill or maybe medium engine option (big jump from 5.7 to 6.2 $$$!). I have also noticed the windshield design is cooler in the cabin on cold mornings vs full wrap. Other than that, I think they are perfect and can look at pics of them all day.
  15. Great pics. Keep em coming.
  16. Last one ran 2002-2013, new one is pretty good, wouldn’t expect anything soon, but I guess you never know....
  17. I really like this pattern, white top and bottom, main stripe one color (which is actually two gel selections), and the back / lower stripe a second color. Clean, simple and will look good a long time. I like blue or red for the main stripe and silver or gunmetal flake for the back stripe, kinda opposite of this boat. Metalflake is good. Interior light grey base w dark grey and/or color accent to match the outside.
  18. This sounds awesome. Wish my job would permit this type of move... or at least to NC or so... good luck making it work and getting more hours on the prostar!
  19. Nice tug indeed. I’m looking fwd to seeing one of those sometime. Really like the back w/o the saddlebags. Very open. Fit / finish looks great. Enjoy.
  20. From a skiing perspective, I’d say Zero chance you will regret spending your budget on an early 90’s MC. Not sure about that Malibu but it looks clean and has stargazer. I would then say that if you spend much less and get an 80’s boat you will surely question it later, especially after skiing on the early 90’s hull/wake. Plus everything is 10 years newer. Lights, wiring, cables, etc.
  21. That 94 is a great ski boat and the open bow is nice for kids if you need it. Seems decent on price, unless you need the lift you could negotiate a bit.
  22. Same in MI. Pay at registration. New or used (although my experience is all used, including out of state). If the same boat sold every year, they would keep getting 6% each year as is slowly decreases value. Seems a bit off when you think about it.... our roads should be better! Edit- I think I get @MS question better now. If you are not keeping it in state, you shouldn’t have to pay tax. That would be real bad, pay it there then pay full tax in your home state too.
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