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Everything posted by epnault

  1. The weird thing about some of the OTFs is that things seem to be going ok and then boom OTF. Maybe this guy has something to do with it
  2. Best gates episode to date. I thought, how can this be different? Nice work. This podcast overall has made me a better skier
  3. For most people the 14-20 hull is just fine. It is a great boat. They didn’t quite have the transmissions figured out until 15 so look at that year and above if you can. The 21+ key differences are different running surface to track straighter, new screen W/O analog gauges, new interior features, gel coat scheme. From my perspective the newer one seems like they cut some corners to reduce cost versus normal MasterCraft over the top solutions for most things. It delivers on tracking for sure but a big jump in price for this from the previous hull.
  4. I love this app and hate to see it go away. Thanks for all you did to get this going. I am hoping someone can take it forward
  5. I know there was a running change to switch from trans fluid to Rotella diesel 15w-40 back in 2017
  6. @Mastercrafter Here is the pic of the internals on the turn down MC tips. This is what I will be testing tonight.
  7. @Sethro @UWSkier Thanks guys. How did you determine the vertical length (downward) of the tubes? Straight edge off the bottom of the hull?
  8. Nice set up. Congrats
  9. @UWSkier Still going to try the silicone tips but not optimistic at this point. I was going to be at the lake this weekend but the weather is rain and high winds all weekend long. Stayed home.
  10. We did a shoreline pass by and drive away. There is an improvement but…. See video. We were recording with an app so not super accurate.
  11. I think I need to just go all in on FAE. Anyone interested in buying my fancy, expensive, and modified MasterCraft tips? I paid almost $700 for the pair and can provide receipts. I cut the through pipes off like DD did so they bolt right up. I will send you the longer screws, tips, and gaskets on me. $400 takes them. I just need more reduction than 1db. I will say they do look amazing on the boat but looks isn't what I am after.
  12. @ReallyGottaSki thanks for the input. I am not sure what mufflers I have. My boat is stock 2016 ProStar with 6.2L. I did at the ‘18 bent down tips from MasterCraft do you kind describing the cuts you mentioned? @Mastercrafter i will get some pics of the internals next time I am at the lake. From the dock it sounded different and maybe less drawn out as the boat moved further away versus the stock ends.
  13. Well based on my dismal results with the MasterCraft tips my neighbor with an 09 197 ordered the FAE. He learns from my pain but his boat is really load. Something about that model year 197. Anyways I am trying to figure out additional solutions for improvement with what I have. Since I have the tips what do you guys think about adding some additional length with rubber/silicone pieces like this? Just hose clamp them in and cut to the length at the water line at plane? Maybe cut slots in them to relieve forces on the tips? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09T3QTP6C/ref=sspa_mw_detail_6?psc=1&pf_rd_p=e21b1d9f-5b60-462f-8a31-00c727a694eb&pf_rd_r=D38MPF3V7WXMFYDHMGF3&pd_rd_wg=GmdMw&pd_rd_w=C4HOn&content-id=amzn1.sym.e21b1d9f-5b60-462f-8a31-00c727a694eb&pd_rd_r=4ab1fe4a-1233-4e1a-9185-ae857047335f&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1 Thanks for the input - Eric
  14. @UWSkier Agreed. At least with turn down tips I could play around with some rubber hose attachments but I worry about them ripping the tips off the boat. I also agree that the ultimate solution is the FAE system
  15. Alright guys. I finally was able to do a test with stock Prostar with just the flapper and the turned down tips. I also included my ski buddies 205 in the test. I only achieved 1db reduction. Essentially hardly noticeable. I did a pass by as this is what my neighbors will hear and recorded the dbs on an app. Pretty expensive for 1db but it looks cool on the lift now. Ugh
  16. This is cool. I have the 6.2L in my '16 and it is crazy powerful. This supercharged version would be fun to drive but much like the regular 6.2 overkill for skiing. I only got mine with this engine because I was worried about long line barefoot application.
  17. I actually got the MC tips faster than planned. My commitment to you all is to get before and after video/sound bites in the boat, pass by, and static on shore drive away so you can evaluate. Thanks for all the support
  18. Got it. Makes sense. Thank you @Mastercrafter
  19. @Mastercrafter Thanks for all the help sir! I got the rubber you suggested yesterday. Did you cut off this section like DD did with the MasterCraft ones?
  20. True. The only difference noticed is that the MasterCraft ones are 3.5" in and 4" out. Wonder if that has to do with the flange size on the transom
  21. Has anyone tried these off skidim? MasterCraft ones are on back order. I want to install them on my 2016 ProStar https://skidim.com/3-1-2-turn-down-exhaust-outlet-6-flange/
  22. @DoubleD I am finally doing this mod this year. One more question please. Are the stainless screws on the stock flange self taping or are they through screws with nuts on the back side of the hull.
  23. Not my intention to not support. I just recall seeing some discount for supporting sponsors on this site.
  24. Hey guys. I want to get a second Stokes vest. Any idea if there are any discounted ways to purchase them in our industry?
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