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Everything posted by bigskieridaho

  1. I understand your frustration. I had the same experience on my ski before the one I have now. Honestly I just tried a couple different ones and ended up buying a different ski which was a game changer. IMO demo a couple different ones and get rid of the one you have. The ski should make you life easier not harder, and most of the new skis are pretty forgiving.
  2. 15 min to the private lake, 30 mins to the local lake, 2 hours to my property up in Donnelly, ID and 1 mile to the boat ramp.
  3. Mine works well with my GoPro. It has vibration before start but is smooth one I start my pass.
  4. For me I only believe in financing a boat for 5-6 years. That is not possible on a $100K boat ever. Good example is I sold my old boat after owning it for 9 years for $500 less than I bought it for. I would love a new boat, but my 2009 Response is nice, didn’t cost $100K, and does everything the new boats do. Honestly the new Nautique 200 and the CP were the best ideas so far. Less cost nice ski tug. As for the $200K wakeboats....that is just stupid!
  5. @RichardDoane I wish! I made a job change so not traveling anymore. Maybe I will make a trip up or just have ski day if I happen to be there! Keep in touch!
  6. I sometimes ski with someone else and their boat, but I like skiing behind mine and have my wife drive me. She knows how I like to be pulled. If there is two boats in the water already that’s usually when I ski behind another boat.
  7. So this happened to my BU and come to find out it was low battery power and ignition system wasn’t getting enough juice. Might need to charge it up. @spartanskier10
  8. Great day for me! Ran into -32 off today. Not bad for my second day out!
  9. I have setting also but won’t be able to get them until Thursday
  10. I have never been on a 2017, but the 2018 once you get the offside dialed it is effortless. I now have the 2019 and it is phenomenal to ski on. Offside is better, the new layup makes it finish the turn even better and earlier than the 2018 and is super fast. I am a very inconsistent skier, and the 2019 makes it very easy to have consistent passes and set PB’s. Go for the 2019.
  11. I had a 1992 Falcon and it skied awesome at all lengths. The flat hull and plate were just made for that.
  12. We go thru Farmers like all of our vehicles. They are great. Originally went with ski safe on the last boat and had an incident with our boat. They were a pain to deal with.
  13. Yes if you come thru Boise let me know. Also family lives in JH so you might be able to park there.
  14. Just got my boat out for the first time today but didn’t have a driver to pull me. Boat ran great. Water was 57 and air is 60.
  15. It’s not rocket science. Either by a truck or buy an SUV that has some beef to it and you will be fine. I have a Mega cab Cummins and it pulls the shit like it isn’t even back there. Don’t buy a pu**y tow vehicle period and you have to worry about safety. Forget about how much it weighs. Safety is more important.
  16. Best bet is to get a Bimini top that has both forward and aft solid bars instead of straps. Stainless fittings are great. I have a tower on my 2009 so mine is super easy.
  17. Go for the Hyperlite Shim. That’s what I have behind my Response and it surfs great. You should add a bag and surf attachment wedge. Quick and easy
  18. Say it isn’t so..... Something free in waterskiing? Hooray for Nautique!
  19. Was hoping you meant the Nautique 200.
  20. I know quite a few people in this ski and they seem to like it. If you talk to @twhisper I am sure he can give you any insight and let you demo one as well.
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