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Everything posted by Cooper_Trelawney

  1. @Horton I'm unable to open the file. Can I trouble you to email me? Travissellsproperty@gmail.com Thanks 👍
  2. Hey ballers, if anyone is considering making the move to SMRR and are interested in Rob's house; just let me know. As a local REALTOR I have 14 closed sales in the area's 3-event waterski communities. I'd be honored to help out a fellow skier get this awesome home!
  3. @swbca here is a picture of my mom with my grandparents on the beach in Acapulco at the old Club de Esquis in Acapulco Bay. People have been taking their skis to the bay for a long, long time. My family still has that ski!
  4. I remember when I turned 14. I was tall, skinny, pimple faced and awkward around girls but I sure did love to ski. Happy Birthday BOS! Here's to 14 more!
  5. @RobHazelwood interesting that you mentioned the slight concave on the Gravitron by Radar. My 1980s Connelly HP trick ski had a concave too. It skied completely different than the more-popular Kidder/HO trick with the tracking grooves. I hated the Connelly Concept trick though, which was stepped. Trick skis may look similar brand to brand but they sure can be different once you study them up close or better, ski on them!
  6. Patrice Martin might have inspired Napoleon Dynamite's famous dance scene. I just thought one of the best trick skiers of all time would have some better dance moves, like throw in a 540 or something.
  7. Everything here looks exciting and intense. The short set up, hand throttle driving, small narrow slaloms and 72" jumpers. Even the 6' ramp was shorter and steeper angled than today's ramp. All of those factors and more, made waterskiing look more extreme. Contrast that to the perfect conditions, smooth performances, speed controled larger boats, more surface area skis, etc of today. Oh, and that audience too! I've never been a freestyle jumper other than a pretty lame helicopter but that guy who threw that HUGE front flip is awesome!
  8. This is some great off-season and back-in-time entertainment! Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did. I was pretty impressed by the quality of skiing for the conditions (albeit a 4-bouy course).
  9. Based on the second photo above, I'd name her the Purple People Eater. Whether she has 1 eye, 1 horn and flies remains to be determined.
  10. This might win Best Post of the Year 🏆
  11. I learned how to jump on yellow Stinger honeycomb jumpers. This boat and those skis would look perfect together!
  12. @rogerw do you recall any specifics about them not mentioned above or some of the high-end trick skiers that skied on Chippendale? They were quite rare in the US, I think I saw a print advertisement once.
  13. Dreamy. I've always thought the golden California hills speckled with oaks is such an attractive landscape. Being close to all the great wineries, restaurants and resort properties in Napa is nice too. Now we have 2 amazing waterski properties on the market! One in Louisiana and one in California. Let's see how those properties go 👍
  14. There's a Hexcel plant in my hometown. They never produced skis at this facility though. Too bad. https://www.hexcel.com/About/Site-Locations/1456/hexcel-seguin
  15. I brought up this brand in another thread. These trick skis were made by the Chippendale furniture company in England and apparently had a balsa wood core. I've never seen one in real life but some elite trickers were using them even in the 80s.
  16. @Horton you definitely win the prize for witnessing a Chippendale trick ski in the wild AND growing up with so many waterski legends and gurus coming to your family's lake. I remember Dave Benzel on ESPN comparing station wagon turns to sports car turns in his commentary. He probably used those terms in his coaching too. I don't think that terminology flys in today's ski world.
  17. @Horton you and Joel McClintock if my memory is correct. I only saw photos in Spray, never been up close to one in person. Sorta like Lucky Lowe's Great American skis. They looked cool in the ads but I have never encountered one in the wild. But i think my biggest unicorn is a Chippendale trick ski made in England.
  18. @ForrestGump I've always wanted a Taperflex Apex with the blue top and the schematic of a slalom course on it. I thought that was a cool looking ski when I was a kid.
  19. Reading this thread and hearing about ski stiffness and flex makes me wonder about plates and bindings and if they limit the Ski from it's full performance potential (of course me, the skier, is the biggest limiting factor). But what if plates and/or bindings flexed with the ski? Or do skis just not flex in the central area where bindings are mounted? Is this just a dumb thought?
  20. Oh lord, I hope it's not silk and that @Horton doesn't have a gold chain!🤦‍♂️
  21. @itsallyellow the real estate market in the US has cooled off some too. I'm a realtor in Texas. Unfortunately I'm not licensed in Louisiana. If y'all are serious, contact the seller @Jeff Danos. I'm sure he can steer you to a local Louisiana real estate expert to help you. Good luck!
  22. @itsallyellow Louisiana is one of the most unique parts of the US due to it's history, geography and culture. People are friendly and the cuisine is great. Expect hot, humid summers. Idk what the immigration process is. Good luck with your quest!
  23. That hurricane got very big very fast and punched Acapulco hard. The US media is hardly reporting on it but there's been a lot of deaths and people still missing. Huge mudslides account for a lot of the death and destruction. 3 generations of my family have skied at Acapulco. I hope it recovers quickly. This photo is my grandmother learning to jump at the Aqua Ski Club in Acapulco Bay in the late 50s.
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