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Everything posted by MitchellM

  1. Interesting. How long should I be expected to leave my boat unused and have it still fire up?
  2. That sounds appealing. I'll have to see if I can mount it for good sun exposure.
  3. Why don't you buy yourself a 69" Carbon V? A great ski at your current level which will also let you progress through the course at higher speed and shorter lines.
  4. The collective wisdom on this site never ceases to amaze me!
  5. Thanks for that recommendation.
  6. Anyone have specific recommendations for a battery tender/trickle charger they like and use? I'd also be curious about battery tending habits for folks who don't use their boats daily. If my boat sits on a lift for 2-3 weeks, I don't want to show up to a dead battery.
  7. I bought my daughter a new Connelly Carbon V a few years ago that had been sitting in a warehouse after a watersports shop went out of business. At that point, the only changes to the Carbon V were cosmetic, so I was happy with the $100 price tag. The ski has changed quite a bit since then with the addition of the versa-tail.
  8. New in box for $125 is quite a deal. Any idea of the year?
  9. Corey, I may be that person. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the hours. As a recreational skier who right now can only ski with my family on weekends, I want a reliable boat that's in great shape. I just sent you a message through SIA.
  10. I hope you're right. I'm looking to buy next month. I hope with summer ending I will be able to find a decent boat at a fair price. I realize these are "asking" prices, but to ask such a high price on a boat with those hours seems absurd. It's not about "trust", but the reality that these boats do depreciate by the hour. Anyone actually know about warranty coverage on a boat that has been used commercially?
  11. I realize this listing is for a boat from a reputable ski school, but would anyone consider buying a 2 year old boat with so 1200 hours? Sure it's been taken care of, but that's a lot of ski school hours not just on the engine but the rest of the boat. https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_3Event&postid=67839 Price seems about $20k too high for me. Do these still have a warranty if they have been used commercially in a ski school? Thoughts?
  12. Owner flaked on me and decided not to sell the boat when I offered him his asking price. My quest for a boat continues. I'm thinking of just sucking it up and buying a late model prostar.
  13. Amazing to me. How does she get there so early with seemingly little effort?
  14. Better than the shake siphon? I do like the fact that the siphon daddy appears to have 1 inch tubing.
  15. @MISkierNo Z-box upgrade on the PerfectPass.
  16. Test drove and skied today. It is a 2004 and a beautiful boat. Gelcoat and vinyl are perfect. Steering was tight. Throttle response was immediate. No vibration from the prop. A little over 400 original hours. Almost no wake behind this boat at 15 off at 30mph. No bimini top. Anyone have an idea of the cost of adding one? Useless open bow area. Climbing over the dash is not going to happen. Should be a great first ski boat.
  17. @MISkier thanks for this insight. I agree completely. Driving skill and attention to safety are paramount.
  18. Well, I have a wife and three kids. We all like to ski. Using the pylon for skiing renders the rear seating of any ski boat useless. We currently seat one person on the floor while skiing when we are all on the boat with a closed bow. I had hoped that even this small open bow area would accomodate that one person safely. We have done this with a SN200 OB in the past without concern. Am I wrong?
  19. Disturbing as I am looking to buy one of these and potentially have occupants in the small bow area. Not sure how this will affect my decision.
  20. Yes, that's the GPS puck. I'm not familiar with the different versions of Perfect Pass.
  21. This looks great! Thanks for sharing the videos.
  22. Yes, a very comparable boat. The owner is asking $21k. I'm going to try and take it for a test drive this coming weekend and look over the service records.
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