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Posts posted by ReallyGottaSki

  1. I would love to learn you maintain that angle to and through the wakes but the absence of water in the air before the apex suggests one is coming into the turn soft on energy then grabbing a big handful of turn that can't be sustained, and loose out on producing accelerating power over more area.

    Something may be out of balance.

    As been said, that locked knee is indicative of a heavy rear leg, and is likely also heavy when just skiing straight and level.

  2. I don't have the oj equivalent 3 blade but the oj 4-force and the acme 541.

    Both are great.

    The acme is more linear 1:1 to rpm independant of loading and the oj launches harder but rpm can differ with loading. Tops out less due to 4 blade parasitics.

    Both give good wake and spread the propwash energy wide for minimal roost, and both ski very well


  3. Nice,you have some hard to teach fundamentals like bias an stance in a good spot.

    what i see... don't give the boat so much handle back in the coast and preturn, keep it tucked closer on the hip..

    Appears the turn is abrupt, in order to reach forward and grab the handle in time before the line loads, and then you're trying to reel in the hips again. Sums up into too many corrective movements and lost power,


    if you instead don't release and reach so soon. and kept the handle on your hip before extension, you can then release and rotate the ski back under the rope and get two hands on the handle before it loads again, and not compromise leverage by leaning forward to grab it.


    Right now by the time you reel in the hips some, you are approaching centerline. if instead the body was stacked sooner, by finishing the rotation under the line, that started with how one holds the handle approaching the turn., you can use the geometry advantage and load the line at a sooner, wider point and with better stack than you are now; upon completing turn, with leverage, and use more of the available crosscourse force vector to your advantage, progressively loaded over a longer distance, thus more acceleration than a peak, quick tug

  4. Idk, I don't quite buy the price point thing yet.

    I run my 38 year old boat, like I have for the last 25 years, bought it a steaming heap. take care of it and improve slightly it yearly . moved from new jobe honeycomb in 1981, to a new Connelly hp in '95, to a mighty heavily used '06 F1 last season. I hold my own amongst the better skiers about. And enjoy passing on instruction at all levels.


    I'm into this for like 1500 a year, that's including gas and insurance, for the last 25 years.

    For perspective that's like a 4 dollar coffee a day and sometimes a donut.

    Instead, have had for decades, and continue to have hours of family enjoyment, personal challenge, and the challenge of resourcefulness.


    People put their extra money and time into what they want to, or not to.

    its Liberty. Ski hard, if you want to.


    As you know very few endeavors that take intensity, hundreds of hours to become good at, and thousands to master, will appeal to the masses anymore. it may never have. it's more than ever about quick easy dopamine hits followed by leisure and religion of comfort. Only a fraction of the populous is 'intense' enough to wake up early and do stuff as this, and these have to get spread about all the growing disciplines of activities out there. Obsessed is what the lazy call the dedicated.


    Two anecdotes, some decades ago i showed up at a local enduro club meeting. awkward AF, There was an order of magnitude difference in abilities. perhaps but one spoke to me. people staring at me, talking about me, all the while i was amongst somewhat similarly minded people with similar interests. If available it would have been really easy to project my insecurity onto them and make it about different color or race, but I couldn't, it was all inside. its just a part of growing up, to the next level. pushing though.


    My local mtn bike club's busybody Karen in leadership recently tried to more than imply we're all malignant based solely on the palate that shows up. that was promptly refuted with vigor, and disgusted we were presumed so.









  5. I think the jbweld would be too topical and cosmetic/fairing in nature


    im thinking first bonding with some 2:1 epoxy to flow between the laminates, clamp to cure, wash the amine blush away with some soapy scotch brite, then follow up with some 2:1 thickened with silica to build up the low spots

  6. Wow, nice lake

    Ok I'm excited for your enthusiasm


    However, can't fix ones skiing till one fixes how they stand on the ski, and crossing the wakes isn't the place to correct it, it's before you even move left or right


    For now, with minor hyperbole, forget the rear leg exists. If you can't do that, you may have the wrong leg forward, and its better to fix that sooner than never later.

  7. wow, very abrupt


    I see some odd weight transfers going on in the preturn..'

    shouldn't see daylight under your front heel here




    is this compensation after this ski slammed you by diving in the 'earlier fall' video?


    also some wild slack at this point, little line tension maintained


    I'm not one to blame equipment first, but when you can't trust a ski when you lean hard on it, some odd and often counterproductive compensations occur


  8. I concur,

    If one wants to save it

    A couple cans of wd-40 fast can mitigate lots of damage to internals, most of the long term damage occures the days afterwards, like rings and cylinder walls,

    Take plugs out and rotate engine by hand asap with lots of weinershlidin 40 and rotate daily.


    Take the starter right off and give it same treatment.


    But it's a long list..


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