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Everything posted by DaveD

  1. I got a motion activated sprinkler for my parents to see if it would keep the deer out of their garden. I think the only thing that got wet was my parents setting it up. Is it mean to laugh at your 80+ year old parents getting soaked by a sprinkler? By the way, my parents don’t use theirs because it leaks.
  2. Submarines are all electric. We just need to put a nuclear reactor in each boat.
  3. Is there something wrong with taking 5 years to get thru college?
  4. I'm planning to order a bent handle to help with a golfer's elbow issue. Will I lose some of that "mechanical" advantage of the correct grip by using a bent handle?
  5. Couple morning sets at a great site behind a great boat, afternoon hanging out on a great Lake Michigan beach, dinner at a South Haven restaurant then walk down to the beach to watch the sun set. Sounds like a great vacation day, huh? The wife and I got to do that last summer.
  6. I haven't been on them in over 20 years but I always liked our houseboat trips to Dale Hollow and Lake Cumberland. Big lakes with lots to do when you're not skiing the course. I would assume a lot of the TVA lakes are similar to those 2 lakes.
  7. With the length of the @The_MS beer thread, you would think you'd have at least one brewery advertising here.
  8. Both Masterline and In Tow have a multiple options for bend handles. From the pictures on the websites it's hard to tell if there's differences in their shapes. Has anyone compared the shapes to see if they are all bent the same amount?
  9. You got to respect anyone that can survive the fans in Philadelphia.
  10. Do you really care what your wife says if she willingly drives the boat while you ski?
  11. The dog was the smartest one in the boat.
  12. @6balls I'm waiting on that attrition to be competitive enough to ski Nationals. I modelled the drop in performance of the top skiers in my age group and figure I'll get to Nationals when I turn 108. That's assuming I don't see the same drop in performance.
  13. Petty soon, @Horton is going to be the only one left in that state.
  14. To @skier2788 point, I think it would be interesting to see if there's a correlation between buoy count and the max vs min speed of the skier through the pass. Maybe standard deviation of the ski's speed from gate to gate would tell the story? Is there a small water proof gps unit that can be mounted to a ski (or binding) that will transmit speed readings?
  15. @Oldkier Hopefully, that's one of your ski buddies' boat and not yours. :smile:
  16. There is one private site south of Hickory next to Hwy 321 and 3 sites southeast of Conover towards Lake Norman. Don't know if any of them run clubs.
  17. I had the Maga gloves for the second half of the summer. The palms seemed to hold up a little better than the black and yellow. The handle will turn the palms black.
  18. That's not the same guy in both pictures?
  19. Snow skiing isn't on ESPN either. Mostly, it's on the Olympic Channel and sometimes NBC's sports channel. The only people watching those broadcasts are people into ski racing and people that want to see a good wreck (just like NASCAR).
  20. Yep, and you only had to survive multiple hurricanes and avoid retirees driving cars to have that opportunity. :smile:
  21. The only chance I have at making a leaderboard is in the Sleep category.
  22. I would love to hear you break down/compare the differences in technique/style the top pros (men and women) have and why they work for them. Can you explain their their strengths they fall back on when a pass goes awry? For example, Will's on-side turn. What is he doing to make it that much better than anyone else?
  23. That must be the new MasterCraft surfing boat.
  24. Dirty Harry starring in a musical is almost as weird as Horton having 2 wives and Chipman's obsession with BOS.
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