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Everything posted by jedgell

  1. Our ice came off in early March, but the owner drained the lake for shore maintenance. He just got the water flowing last week, so with any luck we should be skiing by next weekend.
  2. Come on, you guys know he's going to approve it this Fall, just on time for the election. It's all political BS. I'm in MT surrounded by tree huggers and I don't know anyone against it, though I don't hang with the greenies.
  3. My Oneil Assault, which is about 6 years old, has started to crack and leak a ton. The cracks are showing up in the Goretex material. I've been trying to patch with Aquaseal, which works, but there are so many leaks i cant keep up. Anyone else having this problem?
  4. Had my appt this week. All good, just need to keep putting on sunscreen. JP, our health system is far supperior to canadia's. Have you ever heard of an American crossing the border to get health care up there? I know i havent, our receptionist's uncle died waiting for surgery in canada. Lets not make this political.
  5. Had my appt this week. All good, just need to keep putting on sunscreen. JP, our health system is far supperior to canadia's. Have you ever heard of an American crossing the border to get health care up there? I know i havent, our receptionist's uncle died waiting for surgery in canada. Lets not make this political.
  6. The easiest way I remember which is my back, or trailing arm, is the arm that has just grabbed the handle. Chris Rossi wrote about it in his "Power Triangle" article.
  7. The easiest way I remember which is my back, or trailing arm, is the arm that has just grabbed the handle. Chris Rossi wrote about it in his "Power Triangle" article.
  8. I know someone that has more than a 90% failure rate, regardless of the time of year. Unwilling to slow the boat down so he can run the passes. I dont understand it, but his choice. This will be my first season starting in M3. I usually start at 34 and stay there for several at least a month before bumping it to 36. This year maybe I'll start at 32 for a couple weeks.
  9. Never taken and wouldn't consider. From what I've heard HGH would much more beneficial. Athletes on it claim improved eyesite, reaction times, and recovery. Kind of slows the ageing process. Not nearly the side effects as roids, though your body will reduce its production of natural HGH if you take it for long enough.
  10. Staying open and patient on my offside. For some stupid reason I think its necessary to rush that turn.
  11. I was planning on getting my drivers rating this year, but for what? So I get to pay more money every year so I get the privilege of volunteering? I might still do it, only because I want to able to help out at tournaments if needed.
  12. I've used the TW Arm Guard for 3 years now, rarely even know its there. I have a 12" Radius handle from In-Tow and it fits perfectly. Wouldn't feel comfortable skiing without it, like driving without a seatbelt.
  13. It's not Reward, but something similar. Can't wait to have a clean lake. I'm moving to Oregon this summer, it's just my luck that we'll finally have a weed-free lake when I leave.
  14. Jipster, yes I'm referring to dragonfly lake. We have a plan to get rid of the weeds this summer, we'll see if it works. The lake is all clay and gets murky when skiing, but the biggest problem is only a couple of us ski there and the water clears up and lets all that sunlight in. If it was used daily, the weeds would have a tough time growing.
  15. At 2100' or less I prefer turn islands. Without I feel rushed, especially if you do a traditional gate. Its also nice to have the time to adjust your shorts, thnk about the pass, etc. the maintenance can be a pain. Where I ski I'm in charge of mowing the islands and spraying weeds. Doesn't take that long, but when you're pressed for time it can get tough. As for depth, go as deep as you can afford. The lake I ski at, also in MT, is 5' deep and is loaded with weeds. Especially if it doesnt get used much, the weeds will grow that much faster.
  16. Damnit, I voted yes thinking it said wetsuit! Never have in the drysuit, but I've come close. Hard to resist when you get used to "going" when you get in the water.
  17. Thanks JP. I'm hoping Vancouver works out. Is Sabrina Lake a membership lake with a club? Hate to leave MT, hopefully we'll be back in a few years. EF, thanks for the listing, nice place.
  18. So, we found out that my wife can get a job in either Salem, Eugene, or possibly Vancouver, WA. At this point im just concerned with where I'll be able to ski. Are there any sites around Salem or Eugene? I'm pushing for Vancouver
  19. Shane, what are lots at Katy going for these days? I skied a couple tournaments at SSR back in '04 or '05, nice place.
  20. Thanks for all the help guys. Glad to see there are a couple sites around Portland. The weather in Portland is the biggest concern, but we've been in MT for 5 years, cant be any worse. We wont know all our options for a couple weeks, but at least i'll be able to ski wherever we end up.
  21. Richard, do you know if there are any memberships available at Warmans Lake, or if there's a waiting list?
  22. My wife is finally graduating from Pharmacy school this spring and has job offers in either Portland or Seattle. We're looking more at Portland, I see that Warman Lake is close by. Are there any other sites close to the city? Is the Warman club easy to join? The other option is Texas, either Austin or Houston. We lived in Houston for 5 years, so I'm familiar with the area. I've been looking at San Marcos River Ranch and Aquaplex, anyone here live at either site? Thanks for the help, we'll be deciding in the next couple weeks where we're going. Is it wrong that I'm more worried about finding a good place to ski rather than getting myself a job?
  23. For me, its Lakes at Cypress, just outside Houston. Beautiful site and skis great. Now that im in Montana the best place to ski around here is No Wake Lake in Helena. Set all my PBs there in the past few years.
  24. Just curious, how's the ski scene in Chicago? Are there some sites to ski/private lakes?
  25. 1998, at No Wake Lake in Helena, MT. I was 22, been free skiing since I was 13. Thought I was a bad ass skier until I tried the course. Thought the guys were crazy when they told me they were going to pull me at 30 mph, I was used to skiing 36, or as fast as our outboard would pull me. First set couldn't get around more than a couple balls. Then ran a couple passes at 30 mph, 15' off on my second set. Been addicted ever since.
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