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Everything posted by ski6jones

  1. Bruce, Is your comment on width in pull out for the gates true at 34 mph also? Carl
  2. I've had back trouble now and again aggravated by skiing and other activities. Some decent stretching exercises help me alot 1. Hang fully extended from a pull-up bar or similar. Relax your abs and back as much as possible. I hang as long as I can comfortably. Inversion boots/table would also work for this but I've never used these myself. 2. Exercise ball - Lay over the top of a large air inflated exercise ball. I lay face down with my waist at the top of the ball and hand my torso down onside and legs off the other. Relax as in (1). You can also to back extensions like this once your not hurting to build you lower back.  Turn over and do sit-ups also to build core muscles. 3. Lay down on the floor face first and push up with your arms, hands directly under your shoulders, while keeping your hips on the ground. Repeat this a few times holding for 5-10 seconds each time.  Keep in mind I'm not M.D. nor Physical Therapist, this is just what has worked well for me in the past.
  3. Thats pretty slick. Is there a backup feature so the whole thing doesn't get wiped accidentally? Nice that everyone enters they're own data, no need for one person to do it all.
  4. What I learned; 1) Get professional instruction.  - I made much more progress in 06 by taking some lessons than in 07 without them. 2) Watch video of your skiing.  - You aren't doing what you think you are. 3) Only the ski has to go around the ball.  - I guess I always new that, but you have to DO it as the line gets shorter. 4) Have fun.  - Don't ever forget this one! Helps ease the frustration.
  5. I'm having a similar problem, but was thinking about binding/fin movements in the opposite direction. Skiep, what is the rational behind those recommendations? Why will they help? Thanks.
  6. When I ski I usually ski 2 sets per day.  First set I ski each pass untill it feels pretty clean, usually at least 2x per rope length. If I'm trying anything new with technique, then I work it out here and ski untill I'm tuckered out.  Second set I shorten untill I miss, then work on the pass I missed until I make it once or twice before shortening again. Seocnd set more like a tournament (set).  Works for me.
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