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Everything posted by skiep

  1. Try this!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC3hYGjUGWQ&list=PLC7B8D865706651D3
  2. Looks as if you are on the tail a bit. Try to push your front knee up over the ball of your foot (knee forward and ankle bent) this will help your COM. Now the only leg that is bent is the rear. Hope this helps Keith
  3. Been around gators for ever untill now with my new lake. Had same problem. Go to lake buoys flat or gone. Best solution, install a sub buoy 2' under water with a small chain so you can remove the turns and end gates. Bungey with hook on the turns and end gate buoys - jump in lift the chain hook the turn on chain done. Hope this helps. Keith
  4. TDub, As far as the breaking at the waist at 2-4-6 . As soon as you know the ski will clear the buoy(not hit it) look at the next buoy! So when at two ball look at three, four look at five. Keith
  5. I guess there are times you need to pull long!!
  6. I'm running 29 1/4" front 17" rear med powershells 6.963 tips 2.453 and .720 2nd gen slot 8 deg
  7. I tend to think its a strut bushing worn. Over due for replacement. Jody???
  8. 7.116 2.560 and thickness of an angle gauge off the tail ( I think a 1/16") don't have my book with me.
  9. Than, Try - Not so tight First (buckel/straps looser) and maybe second rotate front boot to little toe. Rotation will put less ski in the water on on side turn but more on off side
  10. I will add to Than_Bogan leaning way back on the ski going into the buoy will make you tail turn (very quick turn) looks great but.... Try -off the second wake work yourself up over the ski (sweet spot) this will help finish inside the buoy line. Keith Albritton
  11. If I had to bet, Your front boot is to tight. Try it a little looser and report back.
  12. yes I'm driving the boat and Stephen Seal was doing some sking. If they would have used the Nautique 200 things would have gone way better. Outboard with camera crew , pylon on rear wow! Rather pull Open Men.
  13. Pictures show bottom of ski plate with screws centered but top view looks off centered to me. I skied it like that for two weeks then moved it stright (to me) and the ski was so much better. LFF boot looks toed in to me. For what it's worth!
  14. Jody, I guess you will have to come to Lake 38 then.
  15. Ok- If the pump was let's say is 10 HP 1-ph , Thats 50 amps x 240 volts=12,000 watts thats a lot of solor panels. Not to mention the inrush current around 300 amps to get it started.
  16. I run Vapor Boots no release system needed.
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